

 2016/12/19    通譯翻譯|同聲傳譯



答案:We perceive the reform as a profound revolution, involving adjustment of relationships among major stakeholders and improvement of multiple systems and mechanisms. China’s reform has entered a phase of toughness and hardness.// Confronted with the extraordinary difficulty in addressing problems in reforms, we need to gather all the courage and strength since hesitation will lead to no progress and even the deprivation of what we have accomplished.

第二題:中國是一個大國,決不能在根本性問題上出現(xiàn)顛覆性錯誤,一旦出現(xiàn)就無法挽回、無法彌補。我們的立場是膽子要大、步子要穩(wěn),既要大膽探索、勇于開拓,也要穩(wěn)妥審慎、三思而后行。// 我們要堅持改革開放正確方向,敢于啃硬骨頭,敢于涉險灘,敢于向積存多年的頑瘴痼疾開刀,切實做到改革不停頓、開放不止步。
答案:When it comes to fundamental issues, China, as a country of profound influences, can’t afford any subversive mistake, which would be irretrievable upon emerging. We should keep both courageous exploration and prudent actions based on the standpoint of bravery and steady progress. //Marching in the correct direction of the reform and opening-up, we should dare to challenge hard nuts, tough situations and longstanding problems so as to achieve the persistence and eternity of the reform and opening-up.

答案:Lanting, as you may know, means the blue hall in Chinese. This Forum is called Lanting Forum because people naturally associate the blue color with the sea and the sky. It symbolizes inclusiveness, passion and vitality, and it accords to the philosophy of harmonious coexistence, openness and win-win progress.// It shows that we will adopt an inclusive approach, pool together the wisdom of various sectors and deepen dialogue and exchanges. It also means that we will take a global perspective, keep pace with the times and work together for development.

第四題:對于21世紀的亞太,人們曾經(jīng)有不同的看法。有人認為亞太人文薈萃,潛力巨大,前景光明。也有人認為亞太問題叢生,麻煩不斷,不容樂觀。// 如今,當21世紀第一個10年即將結(jié)束的時候,回顧亞太發(fā)展進程,我們不難發(fā)現(xiàn),盡管亞太地區(qū)由于歷史和現(xiàn)實的原因,還存在這樣那樣的問題和挑戰(zhàn),但謀和平、維穩(wěn)定、求合作、促發(fā)展是人心所向。
答案:There were different views about the Asia Pacific in the 21st century. Some believed that rich human resources and cultural diversity held out great potential and bright prospects for the Asia-Pacific region, while others thought this region was beset with problems and troubles and could hardly offer any reason for optimism. // Now the first decade of the 21st century is coming to an end. When we look back on the journey that the region has travelled, I believe we can come to the following conclusions: Despite the various problems and challenges due to reasons both of the past and present, peace, stability, cooperation and development represent the shared aspiration of the people.

答案:Xitang, a river-side town with a history of more than 1,000 years, boasts a group of well-preserved buildings from Ming Dynasty and Qing Dynasty that are unmatched by any other resorts. Take a free walk in its streets, and you will feel as if you were in a picturesque Chinese ink painting. //The high-standing white wall on both sides of the river and the clear reflection of tile-roofed houses in the water as well as the willows waving and dancing in the breeze all vividly bring life and vigor to the town.

答案:In this tranquility, the pace of life seems to be harmoniously subject to the gurgling streams. The name of the town, Xitang, is a synonym of water. //The winding rivers with sparkling ripples give away the tranquility it has acquired. As the fall of night ignites thousands of lanterns along the riverbanks and set off the sunset glow, the whole town become ablaze with light and illuminates the way home for its residents.

第七題:中國是一個古老而文明的國家。早在50萬年以前,中國大陸就有了古人類的足跡。// 約公元前21世紀,中國第一個朝代——夏出現(xiàn)了。自此,中國有了文字記載的歷史。公元前221年秦始皇建立了中國歷史上第一個中央集權(quán)的統(tǒng)一的多民族國家——秦。
答案:China is a country with an age-old history. As early as some 500,000 years ago, primitive humans lived in what is now mainland China. // China’s recorded history began in the 21st century B.C., with the establishment of the first Chinese dynasty, the Xia Dynasty. In 221 B.C., Shi Huang Di, the first emperor of the Qin Dynasty, founded the Qin Dynasty, the first centralized, autocratic feudal empire of different ethnic groups in Chinese history.

答案:During the 2,000-odd years, as a result of vicissitudes in its history, beautiful scenic spots and historical sites were created and many still remain in this ancient land.// They include magnificent ancient architectural complexes and innumerable historical relics, providing a solid basis for the study of China’s ancient culture and history.

第九題:時值世紀之交,由各國科學家共同參與的國際人類基因組計劃啟動,//我國也積極加入這一研究計劃,負責測定人類基因組全部序列的1%,// 中國是參與這一研究計劃的唯一發(fā)展中國家。隨著工作的進一步深入,生命科學和生物技術(shù)進入了一個新的紀元。
答案:At the turn of the century, the world witnessed the official launch of the International Human Genome Project, jointly attended by the scientists from countries around the world. //Our country joined the research project responsible for sequencing 1 percent of the whole human genome. China was the only developing country participating in the research project. With further development of the research, life science and biotechnology has entered a new era.

答案:Life science and biotechnology constitute a key sector in China’s scientific and technological progress. The Chinese government reinforces its support to the sector. //The government encourages scientific and technological, industrial and financial circles to tighten up cooperation and move China into the leading rank of advanced countries in life science and biotechnology research in the next decade.

答案:The Shanghai Museum is a large museum of ancient Chinese art, with three exhibition halls and eleven galleries in a total space of 380,000 square meters. It has a height of 29.5 meters with two floors underground and five floors above the ground. // The Shanghai Museum boasts 150,000 pieces of rate and precious cultural relics. Bronze ware, ceramics, and paintings and calligraphy are its distinctive collections.

答案:The Museum has a team of senior experts specializing in research and authentication of cultural relics, as well as in field archaeology. The research team has published 105 academic books over the years. Meanwhile, the museum (features a modern library with) over 200,000 books in art and history. // Its Laboratory of Scientific Conservation of Cultural Relics, Painting and Calligraphy Restoring and Mounting Studio and Bronze and Ceramics Repairing and Restoring Studio have won a number of Prizes for National Science and Technology Achievement.

答案:The reform and opening up of China’s banking sector have been carried out in pace with the overall economic reform and opening up, starting in special economic zones and then rolling out to coastal areas, inland provincial capitals and finally the whole country, as well as extending from foreign currency businesses to local currency business. // Foreign financial institutions have become an integral part of China’s financial sector, (and made tremendous contributions to the Chinese banking industry by) introducing into China advanced operating mechanisms and management expertise.

第十四題:作為深化金融改革的一個重要方面,我們歡迎合格的境外戰(zhàn)略投資者參與我國銀行業(yè)金融機購的重組和改造。// 經(jīng)國務院同意,我們決定提高外資機構(gòu)入股的比例,改善中資金融機構(gòu)的資本結(jié)構(gòu),引進先進管理模式和經(jīng)營理念,促進經(jīng)營方式與國際接軌。
答案:We welcome the qualified strategic investors from abroad to participate in the reform and restructuring of Chinese financial institutions, and consider this move an important step in furthering the financial reform.// In this respect, we are authorized by the State Council to increase the equity share of foreign investors, improve the equity structure of Chinese financial institutions, and introduce advanced banking operational and management expertise, and upgrade banking activities in line with international advanced practices.

第十五題:這個月,中美兩國的學生開展了為期半個月的“美中城市學生看中國”的活動。兩國學生在河北八卦嶺走訪農(nóng)家,參加農(nóng)村社區(qū)服務活動,互相教授英語和漢語;// 在北京參觀長城、故宮等景點,并就校園生活、升學就業(yè)等主題進行交流。
答案:This month, American students joined Chinese students in a 15-day program entitled “U.S. and Chinese City Students View China.” The youngsters visited farmers in Bagualing of Hebei, did volunteer work in rural communities and taught each other English and Chinese. // They visited the Great Wall, the Forbidden City and other attractions, and conducted discussions on campus life, going to college or getting a job.

第十六題:活動中,兩國學生克服語言和文化障礙,超越習俗和偏見,通過溝通和互動,結(jié)下了深厚的友誼。// 依依惜別之時,兩國學生彼此承諾:努力學習,健康成長,未來再相會。從兩國學生的身上,我看到了中美人民之間的深厚友誼,看到了中美關(guān)系的光明前景。  During the program, the students overcame language and cultural barriers, rose above perhaps one-sided views, and forged deep friendship through communication and interaction. // When it came to the time of parting, the students promised to each other that they would study hard, keep fit and meet again in the future. I see in these lovely students the profound friendship between the Chinese and U.S. peoples and the bright prospects of Sino-U.S. relations.

答案:It is a pleasure to join you for the finale concert of this year’s China Shanghai International Arts Festival. The performance tonight concludes the Festival with a high note. //Preparing programs for an arts festival that runs for four weeks is a daunting challenge. I thank all the sponsors and patrons of the Festival for your generous support over the years.

答案:China Shanghai International Arts Festival has risen to that challenge for 11 years in a row. Not only that, but the performances have become more engaging. // During the current economic turmoil, the Festival has certainly entertained us and lifted our spirits, reminding us of the beauty of art and the finesse of life. What’s more, the Festival enhances Shanghai’s vibrancy and soft power as a cultural hub in Asia.

答案:This week , China’s Ministry of Culture and the John F. Kennedy center for the Performing Arts in the United States have jointly launched the Chinese Art Festival in Washington, D.C., where more than 650 Chinese artists give performance or hold exhibitions. // This is yet another big event in Sino-U.S. cultural exchanges. The Chinese and Americans have cherished warm sentiments towards each other. Mickey Mouse, for example, is very popular among Chinese kids.

答案:Meanwhile, Chinese basketball star Yao Ming is very popular among young Americans. The increased exchanges and cooperation between our two peoples help increase mutual understandingand friendship and bolster public support for the constructive and cooperative relations between the two countries.// Although of Chinese and U.S. civilizations are different, they can easily get along with each other instead of repelling each other.

答案:Interpretation is the verbal translation of the speaker’s words to an audience that does not speak the same language. To achieve this purpose in various situations, there are different modes of interpretation which require different skills and equipment. // Consecutive interpretation is recommended for working in small group meetings, where the speaker and interpreter take turns speaking. The interpreter takes notes while listening, and then interprets what was said while the speaker pauses.

第二十二題:同聲傳譯通常應用于需要兩種以上語言的場合,它要求配有專門的音頻系統(tǒng)。// 譯員坐在同傳廂內(nèi),通過耳機聽取發(fā)言者的講話內(nèi)容,并同步用目標語言表達出來。聽眾則將耳機調(diào)到所需語言的頻道來收聽。
答案:Simultaneous interpretation is commonly used when there are more than two languages involved and requires a specialized audio system(with headsets for the audience). //
The interpreters sit in the booth and listen to the speaker through headphones, and then instantly render the speech into the target language. The audience tunes in to listen to the channel assigned to their language.

答案:Today, we must reaffirm the founding purposes of the United Nations, so that it can better serve states and people alike in the new era. // We hold the view that global affirms are no longer the exclusive province of a few big powers, but subject to the joint efforts of all member states for effective resolution. I believe two strategies will be essential to realize the potential of our Organization/ the United States.

第二十四題:首先,我們必須促進成員國之間的協(xié)調(diào),關(guān)鍵在于在平等互利的基礎(chǔ)上采取集體行動。// 其次,聯(lián)合國必須充分利用信息時代的巨大潛力。電子革命已激發(fā)出前所未有的技術(shù)改革浪潮。它能極大地幫助我們消除貧困和更好地實現(xiàn)全球現(xiàn)代化的目標。
答案:First, we must enhance/ further the coordination among Member States and our most vital role will be to engage collective action on the basis of equality and mutual benefit. // Second, the Untied Nations must fully exploit the great promise of the Information Age. The digital revolution has unleashed an unprecedented wave of technological change. It can greatly help improve our chances of defeating poverty and better meeting our objective for global modernization.

第二十五題:當今世界,沙漠不斷擴大,森林逐漸縮小,食物、水源和空氣已被嚴重污染。洪水、干旱、臺風等極端的氣候條件持續(xù)發(fā)生,各國人民不得不在這樣日益惡化的環(huán)境中求生。// 更糟糕的是,環(huán)境資源的缺乏在世界許多地區(qū)引起了暴力沖突。
答案:In today’s world, people around the world are struggling to survive in the face of/ in adverse conditions that are worsening daily with, growing deserts, dwindling forests, poisoned food, water and air, as well as the frequent climatic extremes and weather events such as floods, droughts and typhoons. // Worse still, environmental resource scarcities contribute to violent conflicts in many parts of the world.

第二十六題:不斷加大的環(huán)境壓力嚴重威脅著人類未來的利益。國際社會必須采取相應舉措;// 各國政府必須具備對全球人口增長、自然資源減少、環(huán)境質(zhì)量惡化等因素作出準確判斷的能力,國際組織也必須建立機構(gòu)將這種預測結(jié)果直接應用于決策過程。
答案:The increasing environmental pressure seriously threatens the further benefits of humankind. The international community must improve its ability to indentify emerging environmental problems and assess alternative responses. // The governments of all countries should possess the foresight capability to make accurate projections of world’s growing population, decreasing natural resources, worsening environmental quality and other factors. International institutions should also set up offices to link the results of such projections directly to current decision making.

第二十七題:各位同行:我們必須指出,教育是可持續(xù)發(fā)展的一個關(guān)鍵因素。減少出生率、給予婦女權(quán)利、提高人口素質(zhì)等都要靠教育發(fā)展的支持。// 中國實行計劃生育的實踐也證明,教育是改變生育率的重要因素。教育對生育率的影響,直接影響對人口素質(zhì)現(xiàn)代化進程。
答案:Dear colleagues, we must point out that education is a key factor in sustainable development. The reduction of fertility rate, the empowerment of women and the improvement in the population quality are largely assisted by progress in education. // The practice of China’s family planning program also proves that education is a vital factor to the transition of fertility rate. With its influence on fertility rate, education has a direct impacts on the process of modernization of the quality of human resources.

第二十八題:中國人口專家早在上個世界就開始對婦女受教育水平和生育率之間的關(guān)系進行了研究。// 研究結(jié)果表明,上過大學的育齡婦女的生育率遠遠低于平均生育率。由此可見,婦女在經(jīng)濟活動中所處的地位不同,所受教育水平不同導致其生育觀念和生育行為的不同。答案:Demographers in China began to study the relationship between women’s educational level and fertility rate as early as in the last century. // Their findings show that the total fertility rate for women of childbearing with a college education is much lower than the national average. It can be seen from this disparity that the differences in women’s status in economic activities and their educational levels have led to the differences in their reproductive concepts and reproductive behaviors.

第二十九題:30年來,中國經(jīng)濟年平均增長9.4%,國內(nèi)生產(chǎn)總值增長至今年的18000多億美元。// 但是,要使全體人民都過上富裕生活,我們還需要進行長期不懈的艱苦奮斗。為了實現(xiàn)這一目標,我們要繼續(xù)認真貫徹落實以人為本,全面、協(xié)調(diào)、可持續(xù)的發(fā)展觀。
答案:Over the past 30 years, China’s economy has been growing by an average annual rate of 9.4 percent, with its GDP jumping to over 1.8 trillion US dollars. // But, to provide a prosperous life for all the Chinese people still requires a long and uphill battle. To achieve this goal, we will continue to act conscientiously on the concept of people-oriented, comprehensive, coordinated and sustainable development.

第三十題:我們將以經(jīng)濟建設(shè)為中心,以實現(xiàn)人的全面發(fā)展為目的,統(tǒng)籌城鄉(xiāng)發(fā)展,統(tǒng)籌區(qū)域發(fā)展,統(tǒng)籌經(jīng)濟社會發(fā)展,統(tǒng)籌人與自然的和諧發(fā)展,統(tǒng)籌國內(nèi)發(fā)展和對外開放,// 堅持走生產(chǎn)發(fā)展、生活富裕、生態(tài)良好的發(fā)展道路。
答案:We will take economic development as our priority, aim at achieving the all-round development of men, and properly balance urban and rural development, development among different regions, economic and social development, harmonious development of man and nature, and domestic development and opening to the outside world. // We will follow a development path characterized by high productivity, affluent life and sound eco-system.

第三十一題:中華民族歷來尊重人的尊嚴和價值。還在遙遠的古代,我們的先人就已提出“民為貴”的思想,認為“天生萬物,唯人為貴”。// 社會的發(fā)展與進步,取決于人的發(fā)展與進步,取決于人的尊嚴的維護和價值的發(fā)揮。
答案:The Chinese nation has always respected human dignity and value. Even in the ancient days, our ancestors came up with the idea of “people being the most important,” believing that “man is the most valuable among all the things that heaven fosters.” // The progress and development of a society hinge on human progress and development and depend on how well human dignity is maintained and how much human values is realized.

答案:China has a population of over 1.3 billion, and to ensure our people the rights to subsistence and development is in itself a major contribution to the progress of the world human rights cause. // Collective and individual human rights should be considered together and their coordinated development should be pursued, and the same considerations should be given to the development of economic and cultural rights on the one hand and of civil and political rights on the other. This is dictated by China’s specific national conditions and therefore, is the only way to progress in human rights cause in China.

第三十三題:中國人民崇尚“安居樂業(yè)”。大自然是慷慨的,它為人類的生存和發(fā)展提供了適宜的條件。大自然也是無情的,它對無情的掠奪予以報復。// 中國許多城市在工業(yè)化和都市化過程中面臨著生態(tài)環(huán)境問題。
答案:The Chinese people value the concept of “l(fā)iving comfortably and working happily”. Nature is generous; it provides suitable conditions for human beings to survive and develop. Nature is also merciless; it takes revenge on endless exploitation. // In China, many cities are now facing ecological and environmental problems in the course of industrialization and urbanization.

第三十四題:多年來,我們一直致力于控制空氣污染、垃圾污染、噪音污染和人口爆炸。我們試圖減少城市供水、能源、住房、交通方面的問題,擴大綠化面積、提高環(huán)境質(zhì)量。// 我們已經(jīng)取得了驚人的成就。我們將繼續(xù)努力,改善人類居住環(huán)境,創(chuàng)造人類更美好的未來。
答案: For many years we have made great efforts to control air pollution, garbage pollution, noise pollution and the population explosion. We have tried to reduce the problems of city water supplies, energy, housing, traffic, and to increase green areas and improve the quality of the environment. // Our achievements have been amazing. We will make constant efforts to improve human living environments and to create a better future for human beings.

第三十五題:各位來賓,我校素有“江南第一學府”之美譽,是一個含文、理、工、醫(yī)等學科的綜合性大學。// 一百年來,我校嚴謹?shù)闹螌W態(tài)度鑄造了務實而又追求卓越的學術(shù)思想,為祖國培養(yǎng)了大批棟梁之材。
答案:Distinguished visitors, our university is well-known as the best university south of the Yangtze River. It is a comprehensive university with a complete range of disciplines in liberal arts, science, engineering and medicine. // Over the past one hundred years, we have grounded ourselves in the well-disciplined educational philosophy, shaped an academic ideology of pursuing pragmatic excellence and turned out class upon class graduates whom have become great leaders in China’s grand undertaking of socialist construction.

第三十六題:我們以豐富的想象力、活躍的創(chuàng)造力和卓有成效的實踐,為民族振興和國家強盛,為地區(qū)經(jīng)濟發(fā)展和文化繁榮作出了貢獻。// 我們將大力推進學科建設(shè),提高辦學質(zhì)量,全民提升我們的學術(shù)研究知名度和影響力。
答案:With rich imagination, active creativity and effectual practice, our university is contributing (profusely) to the rejuvenation and prosperity of our nation, as well as to the economic and cultural prosperity of the region. // We will work even harder in the hope of spurring discipline-construction, improving education quality, and elevating the university’s academic influence and visibility in all dimensions.

第三十七題:中國政府高度重視氣候變化問題,為應對氣候變化和改善生態(tài)環(huán)境采取了大量措施。// 中國成立了國家應對氣候變化領(lǐng)導小組,明確了應對氣候變化具體目標、基本原則、重點領(lǐng)域、政策措施和落實步驟。
答案:The Chinese government attaches great importance to the issue of climate change and has taken various measures to handle it and improve the ecological environment. // China has set up a national leading group/ office to cope with the climate change and defined the specific goals, basic principles, key areas, policy measures and implementing procedures of addressing climate change.

第三十八題:中國提出到2010年單位國內(nèi)生產(chǎn)總值能耗在2005年的基礎(chǔ)上降低20%、可再生能源比重提高到10%、森林覆蓋率提高到20%等目標。// 目前,各項目標的實現(xiàn)正在穩(wěn)步進行,并取得初步成效,今后中方將繼續(xù)朝著上述目標做出不懈努力。
答案: China has set the objective of cutting 20% of energy consumption per unit of GDP and increasing the proportion of renewable energy to 10% and forest coverage to 20% by 2010 over 2005. // Various efforts are well underway and initial results have been achieved. China will continue to make relentless efforts to reach those objectives.

答案:However, many college graduates fail in getting satisfactory jobs. Is this the college enrolment expansion that started a few years ago to be blamed? // The source of the employment difficulty should not simply be identified as the enrolment expansion. Because college students only account for about 20% of China’s population compared to other developing countries.

第四十題:大學生畢業(yè)為什么就業(yè)難,主要有以下四個原因:一是一些高校的專業(yè)設(shè)置與快速變化的市場需求有偏差;// 二是中小企業(yè)招聘人才缺乏規(guī)劃;三是學生知識與實際應用難以銜接;四是部分學生缺乏職業(yè)規(guī)劃。
答案:Four points can be regarded as the reasons why college graduates face employment trouble. First, some college discipline arrangements do not meet the needs of the changing markets. // Second, small and medium-sized enterprises do not plan very well before recruitment. Third, there is a gap between what is taught in college and what is needed in practice. Fourth, some students lack career planning instruction.

第四十一題:如今,中國制造的產(chǎn)品已經(jīng)走遍世界各個角落,日常生活的點點滴滴已經(jīng)越來越離不開“中國制造”。// 大西洋彼岸的一位美國家庭主婦進行了實驗:一年中不使用中國制造的產(chǎn)品,結(jié)果遇到了種種麻煩。
答案:Now products made in China are very popular. One cannot live without them. //An American housewife from other side of the Atlantic had an interesting idea: No “Made in China” for one year. She only ended up with a lot of problems.

第四十二題:“中國制造”給世界經(jīng)濟做出的貢獻有目共睹。然而,今年“中國制造”的質(zhì)量問題引起了國際社會的關(guān)注和擔憂。// ,作為全球產(chǎn)業(yè)鏈上的一環(huán),“中國制造”是世界制造業(yè)發(fā)展和國際分工的結(jié)果。
答案:The achievements of “Made in China” are widely recognized, yet this year its quality problem has caused international concern.// think as part of global industrial chain, it is a result of international division of labor.

第四十三題: 目前,TCL旗下5萬多名員工、幾十個研發(fā)中心和銷售中心遍布亞洲、美洲、歐洲、大洋洲等多個國家和地區(qū)。// TCL 的商業(yè)化,TCL的員工和管理團隊也實現(xiàn)了全球化。今天,TCL集團法國首席設(shè)計師也來到了現(xiàn)場。
答案:Now TCL has over 50,000 employees and dozens of R&D and Sales centers in Asia, America, Europe and Oceania.// TCL is increasingly global, so are its employees and managers. Today, our top French Designer is also presented.

答案:Signing the project is only the first step. Our common goal is to achieve its fast construction and rapid development.// I hope every competent department will provide the investor active and complete service, helping them overcome their difficulties so as to ensure the smoothness of their business.

答案:In recent years, our city has been dedicated to economic construction and places industrialization as the key planning goal. // Our efforts in promotion have attracted a lot of investors. Their investment not only simulates the local economy but also earns them rich rewards. Weida is another achievement of our promotion.

答案:Currently, what restrict the development of tourism digitalization in Guangdong are not only subjective ideas and attitudes of the enterprises, but also the objective issue of online payment. // Web suppliers cannot provide their clients with punctual business information and online identification. At the moment, banks are also trying to help this matter.

第四十七題:概括起來,深圳市高新技術(shù)產(chǎn)業(yè)有四個“高”:第一個“高”就是占經(jīng)濟總量的比例高,// 去年高新技術(shù)產(chǎn)品產(chǎn)值占工業(yè)總產(chǎn)值的48.93%,這在全國大中城市中是居首位的。第二個高是增長速度高。
答案:To sum up, the high-tech industry in Shenzhen is characterized by four highs as follows: firstly, high percentage in aggregate economic output. // Last year, the output value of the high-tech products accounted for 48.93% in the total industrial output value, which headed the list in the big and medium cities in our country. Secondly, high growth speed.

第四十八題:“以人為本”至少要包括兩大方面,一是通過可持續(xù)發(fā)展給個人,包括當代人、后代人帶來持續(xù)增長的福利,沒有這一點,可持續(xù)發(fā)展就沒有動力;// 二是提高人的文明速度,這是根本??沙掷m(xù)發(fā)展和人類文明是一種互動關(guān)系。
答案:Human-oriented development can fall into at least two aspects: firstly, through sustainable development we shall bring individuals—us and our offspring—the sustainable welfare without which there will be no driven force for the sustainable development; // secondly, we shall speed up human civilization, which is essential to human human-oriented development. Sustainable development and human civilization are of an interactive relationship.

第四十九題:一些地方政府官員片面追求GDP的增長速度,喜歡用統(tǒng)計數(shù)據(jù)來表現(xiàn)自己的政績,因此也就存在著虛報統(tǒng)計數(shù)據(jù)的強烈動機,// 因此,在客觀條件許可的情況下,上報的統(tǒng)計數(shù)據(jù)中被加入大量的“長官意志”。
答案:Some local government officials are prone to showing off their achievements by the GDP growth rate and statistic data, so the strong motives for false statistic data is possible. // Therefore, If conditions permit, the official’s will be added into the data.

第五十題:我們將按照我國加入WTO的各項規(guī)則要求,改革政府行政方式,大力減少行政審批,提高行政效率,遵守游戲規(guī)則,加快與國際慣例接軌,// 努力創(chuàng)造公開、公正、公平的市場環(huán)境,建立規(guī)范的市場秩序。
答案:In line with the requirement for China to join the WTO, we will dedicate ourselves to government administrative reform, cut down administrative approval procedures, enhance administrative efficiency, observe rules of game, bring our work in line with international practice, // create an open, fair and just market environment and establish a regulated market system.



第一題: This past December, the General Assembly welcomed the First Global Integrated Marine Assessment, a truly global scientific evaluation of the state of the world’s oceans. // We now know that although the oceans are seemingly endless, their capacity to withstand human activities is limited, particularly as they also cope with the threats posed by climate change.
答案:去年12月,大會對第一次全球海洋綜合評估表示歡迎,認為這是世界海洋狀況的一次真正的全球性科學評價。// 我們現(xiàn)在知道,海洋貌似無窮無盡,但實際上承受人類活動的能力是有限的,特別是海洋也需要應對氣候變化帶來的威脅。

第二題:Healthy oceans will also play an essential role in climate change adaptation, as we try to implement the Paris Agreement. // On this World Oceans Day, let us all commit to protecting our oceans and using their gifts peacefully, equitably and sustainably for generations to come. Healthy oceans are essential for a healthy planet and a healthy future for all.
答案:我們正在執(zhí)行《巴黎協(xié)定》,健康的海洋將同樣在氣候變化的適應方面發(fā)揮重要作用。// 值此世界海洋日,我們大家應致力于保護我們的海洋,和平、公平、可持續(xù)地利用海洋的饋贈,直至千秋萬代。健康的地球和全體人民健康的未來離不開健康的海洋。

第三題: Experts say workers should always take their full holiday entitlement each year - as many as one in three don’t - to get the benefits. // The study compared key health markers in holidaymakers visiting Thailand, Peru or the Maldives, with people who stayed at home and continued working.

第四題: In American schools, discussion is given top priority and seminar is the usual way of class. Teachers with flexible and adaptable talents are regarded as good and popular ones.// But Chinese teachers like to lecture in class, and a lot of them are obsessed with examinations; they spend long hours planning and preparing lessons, and writing consistent and standardized plans. It's very interesting to us

第五題: Therefore, it requires all citizens to actively participate in policy-making, and governments to become more accountable to their citizens in their efforts to achieve their goals.// Today, we join hands with the poor in a collective effort. This is a close and extensive cooperation which brings together civil society, the private sectors, and individuals around the world.

第六題:British companies and research institutions can make a strong contribution to China's success in hi-tech sectors. We're especially interested in such fields as Information and Communications Technology, biotechnology and many more.// China has more world-class companies and they go out into the international markets. Many of them are attracted to Britain. We now have over 300 Chinese companies operating profitably and successfully in Britain.

第七題: China, though, is experiencing both major achievements and major problems. I do believe the tough line on population control has been a great contribution to humanity on an international level.// I'm positive that China will definitely become an economic superpower in the not too distant future and will play an irreplaceable role in promoting economic prosperity in the world.
答案:中國既取得了大成就,也面臨大問題。我確實相信,中國在人口控制方面采取的強硬路線(從全球來說)為人類做出了重大貢獻。// 我相信,中國一定會在不遠的將來成為經(jīng)濟超級大國,在促進世界的經(jīng)濟繁榮方面發(fā)揮不可替代的作用。

第八題:If professors are able to monitor which students are spending 15 minutes on a calculus problem and which ones spend an hour.This can raise red flags for professors about who might need extra help. // As more classes move partially or entirely online, the requirements of having a same start and end date will reduce.
答案:如果教授能夠監(jiān)測哪些學生在某個微積分問題上僅花費了15分鐘,而哪些卻苦干了一個小時。紅旗標識將會被標出,以便教授們了解哪些學生需要額外幫助。// 隨著更多的課程被部分或全部搬到網(wǎng)上,學校不再需要統(tǒng)一的課程起止時間。

第九題:It is important to remember that undergraduate education and post-graduate education are tightly linked to research. // Our education programs should ensure that the students are learning in an atmosphere characterized by the pursuit of new knowledge and process of discovery. An interrelated educational program will create a flow of young, bright and uninhibited minds to work on the frontier of discovery.
答案:我們應該認識到,本科生教育和研究生教育都與研究緊密相連。// 我們的教育應該為學生創(chuàng)造一種可以探尋新知識、帶來新發(fā)現(xiàn)的氛圍,將教學與研究融合在一起的教育可以培養(yǎng)一批活躍在探索前沿、聰穎開放的青年才俊。

第十題: Our university has an almost unique role in fostering fundamental research. Choosing the right people is the first and perhaps the most crucial step in ensuring an innovative environment. There are three types of people that can be important. The first class of individuals consists of fanciful visionaries. // The second class of important people in innovative environment consists of revolutionary explorers. The third class of individuals consists of uninhibited executors.
答案:大學在推動基礎(chǔ)研究方面能發(fā)揮獨特的作用。選對人是確保創(chuàng)新型研究環(huán)境的首要因素,也是最為關(guān)鍵的因素。選人要選三種人:第一種人是想法活躍的思想家,// 第二種人是富有革命精神的探索家,第三種人是不受常規(guī)約束的實干家。

第十一題: The grammar of a language includes the sound system and the way in which sounds and meanings are related. // Language is a tool of communication. But if language is defined merely as a system of communication, then language is not unique to humans. A basic property of human language is its creative aspect.

第十二題: Places to stay in holidays may be called hotels, motels, and inns. Hotels are comfortable but expensive; motels are usually near a highway. Inns are located in mountains, on the coast or near lakes. //As to where to stay, you can start by comparing the prices and services. In this case, you need to call them and see if they have the kind of room you are looking for.

第十三題:Soft drinks are sweet. Hard drinks are alcoholics, like whiskey. They are served either on the rocks or straight. // Dishes in the restaurant are large. If you can’t finish, ask the waiter for a “doggie bag”, so that you can enjoy the food later. Remember, you should always have a tip of about 15% on the table when you leave.
答案:軟飲料是指甜甜的飲料。硬飲料是指含有酒精的飲料,如:威士忌。可加冰塊或不加冰塊供應。// 餐館里的菜量很足,如果用不完,可請服務員“打包”,這樣你能呆會兒再吃。記住你得付大約15%小費。餐畢離桌時,放在桌上。

第十四題:Shanghai is to us a memorable home. During our stay here we have spent a great deal of pleasant time with the Shanghai people—working, shopping, and even touring the city on our bicycles. // These are the happy days. We have deeply felt that our friendly and cooperative ties have become extensive, affecting all aspects of our lives: commerce, culture, education, and scientific exchange.

第十五題:Trade ties between Europe and East Asia have expanded rapidly in recent years. East Asia has replaced the United State as the Europe Union’s largest market in terms of export. // Therefore, it is our common desire that Europe and East Asia should resolve differences through dialogues and mutual trust, and enhance our cooperative relations.

第十六題:In the past decade, the friendly and cooperative relations between our two countries made headway. //Because when we established our relations, we understood that we would develop our friendship on the basis of mutual respect, equality and mutual benefit. These are the principles on which we seek friendship with all peoples of the world.

第十七題:First and foremost, silicon valley has the largest concentration of brilliant computer professionals and the best supporting services in the world, and easy access to world-class research institutions.// Secondly, it encourages risk taking. Hence failure will not result in fear or terror .On the contrary, those computer professionals will even harder next round.

第十八題:People who are normally quiet and pleasant may become unrecognizable when steering a wheel. The surprising thing is that society smiles so kindly on the motorist and seems to forgive his for his behavior.// Because of heavy traffic, many cities and towns become almost uninhabitable. And year in year out, mass annual slaughter in traffic accidents becomes more a statistic figure, to be conveniently forgotten.

第十九題: From my experience of working with Hi-Technology companies in California’s Silicon Valley, the biggest problems arise when existing patent protections for business methods are combined with the Internet.// If changes in the patent laws are going to have any real impact, they must be made soon. Some of my colleagues in the industry have already begun lobbying lawmakers to make the changes.

第二十題:China’s support is a constant source of encouragement to us in the pursuit of the goals of maintaining the independence of our country.// It is my sincere hope that we can develop further our friendship on the basis of mutual respect and benefit.

第二十一題:Chinese people believe that work allows them to have the sense of belonging to a community. In other words, work is necessary for them to gain social acceptance in the society.// That is why many Chinese managers and employees work so hard to maintain their positions in their companies. Also, they see work as the most important thing in life.

第二十二題:I am not going to attack our classroom education. The beauty of the English language will attract anyone who has the slightest taste to literature. // But here what I am concerned is our present educational system. I cannot believe that the present educational system is the best or even reasonable one.

第二十三題: First, Chinese businessmen tend to be indirect while Americans are direct in negotiation. The Chinese like to take time to learn whether their prospective business contacts are really reliable.// Second, the decision-making process of Chinese companies is generally slow and time-consuming. This is because most Chinese companies keep to the “ bottom-up, and then top-down” principle. I hope American businessmen in China will understand these differences.

第二十四題 Long known as the “economic, technological and cultural Olympic Games”, the World Expos is held every five years, and has been held in developed countries since it first took place in London in 1851.// If Shanghai wins the bid for the 2010 World Expos, China will be the first developing country to host this major event.

第二十五題:Applicants often have the suspicion that vacancies are taken up by friends and relatives of the employers and that advertisements are only put out for show. // Many of them are tired of writing application letters around and feel that if only they could obtain an interview with the right person , their application would meet with success.
答案:求職應聘者常常懷疑空缺是不是給雇主的朋友和親屬們占去了,懷疑廣告只不過是登一登擺擺樣子的。// 他們中的很多人厭倦了到處投求職信,他們覺得只要能夠碰對人,獲得一次面試的機會,他們的求職申請就會成功。

第二十六題:Seven years ago, technology was the dominant driving force. But since then an ever stronger momentum has been generated by such factors as wealth, stocks, and the Internet, which are more than technology. Indeed, they stem from the spirit of innovation and initiative.// Therefore, while technology remains the propelling force for the new economy, the new economy is not merely an economy of technology.

第二十七題:On Christmas Day, Shopping center speaker systems will play the traditional Christmas songs, and groups of people will often sing carols on the streets to raise money for charity. //In many countries, most people post Christmas greeting cards to their friends and family. In shops or at children’s parties, someone will dress up as Father Christmas and give small presents to children.

第二十八題: Steady and sure progress will still be the mainstream in the future growth. Such solid progress is in no contradiction with new developments in information and other technologies.// Given the ever-changing technologies and fast-flowing information, we should give up the slow changes and time-consuming decision-making in the old days.

第二十九題:I think our Chinese partners would agree with me that their cooperation with General Motors has brought them fresh thinking from around the world. // Of course, what our Chinese partners have brought to us is much greater, for instance, the knowledge of how to work efficiently within the Chinese system. I look forward to our many years of partnership and working with a world-class organization.

第三十題:Some people say that El Nino hasn’t properly started yet and only affects the Southern Hemisphere. So there is no way it can explain the heavy rains in Europe.// Therefore, flooding in European countries, is not uncommon. Only a few years ago the River Oder on the Polish-German border caused huge amounts of damage.

第三十一題:People are generally called tourists because the reason for their trips is recreation. Of course, tourists also include those men and women who are traveling on business.// Among those tourists, there are business people and government officials on specific missions, as well as people attending meetings or conventions, who often combine pleasure with their work.

第三十二題:The investment in the development of software will create three hundred more jobs in the southern Indian. This was the largest investment Microsoft had made outside the United States. //As Microsoft’s Chairman, Bill Gates pointed out that India is of strategic importance. He did not believe the suggestions that the worldwide growth in the software industry would slow down.

第三十三題: If we are to continue generating good jobs and higher incomes in our country, when we are just 4 percent of the world’s population, we must continue to sell more products to the other 96 percent.// With a quarter of the world’s population and its fastest growing economy, China could and should be a big market for our goods and services.

第三十四題: From what I have already seen and heard in my short time here, it is clear to me that there are indeed good prospects for an all-round cooperation between Britain and China, including both governmental and non-governmental cooperation.// If my current visit can help to advance the friendship between us, then it will be a source of great satisfaction to me.

第三十五題:Of course, there have recently been some obstacles and setbacks in the search for growing unity in Europe, especially the different views on international issues among Britain, France and Germany.// But I am convinced that the unity of Europe is rooted in a solid ground, strong enough to survive this period of difficulty.

第三十六題: Take cocaine as an example. It is a dangerously addictive and very costly drug. This drug has spread from the entertainment world to small town high schools where more than 17% of the seniors students say they have tried cocaine. // As more and more stronger drugs make their way into the nation' s classrooms and factories, more Americans realize they can no longer treat the problem as somebody else's.

第三十七題:Although trade relations between India and China sometimes is a source of disputes and misunderstandings, trade also Can provide a link to establish improved economic conditions and increased good will between our two countries.// On a foundation of seeking a win-win situation for both Indian and China, we have developed a strategic roadmap based on mutual benefit and sustainable development.

第三十八題:Charity organizations such as “Help the Aged’’ and “Shelter for the Aged” therefore do a lot to provide care for the aged people who are not living with their children, and thus helping to alleviate the misery that some old people experienced.//  People in Britain admit that caring for the elderly is a problem which must be given priority.
答案:有些慈善機構(gòu),如“助老(權(quán)益)組織”和“老人院”等做了大量的工作,為老年人提供幫助,減輕一些老年人的痛苦,這些老年人通常沒有和自己的子女住在一起。// 英國民眾認為,照料老年人是一個必須優(yōu)先考慮的問題。

第三十九題: Worldwide financial networks facilitate the movement of currencies across national borders, and economic relations among nations are becoming a major consideration in foreign-policy-making.// With the world economic globalization coming into being, all businessmen with different cultural and traditional backgrounds will share the benefits that modem science and technology have brought them.
答案:國際金融網(wǎng)絡(luò)的建立,使貨幣流通沖破了國界,國與國之間的經(jīng)濟關(guān)系成為(世界各國)制定外交關(guān)系的一個重要(考慮)因素。// 隨著世界經(jīng)濟全球化的實現(xiàn),有著不同文化和傳統(tǒng)背景的商人將分享現(xiàn)代科技給他們所帶來的好處。

第四十題:You Chinese government has awakened a spirit in your people, a spirit of cooperation, of involvement, and of self-discipline. We British people have yet a lot to learn from your endeavor. // We are leaving Beijing tonight, heartened with the agreement we have reached, cheered by the frankness and fullness of our discussions, grateful for the hospitality you have shown us.

第四十一題:Finally, we need a dialogue that promotes our mutual responsibility to the international community, especially to the economic development of the Asia-Pacific region.// The United States and China, together with the rest of the international community, share a common responsibility to abide by the rules governing the behavior of nations.

第四十二題:The most famous cathedral in York, UK is known as York Minster. It dates back to the 13th century. Tourists are captivated by its sheer size, architectural beauty and presence.// Among the museums of York, the National Railway Museum and the Castle Museum are the most famous. The National Railway Museum covers over 150 years of railway history.
, 評分建議:參見上文。

第四十三題:Today, we American businessmen are eager to learn more about trade and investment opportunities in China, especially after its entering to the WTO and its victory over the bid for 2008 Olympics and 2010 World Exposition.// Many American businessmen and their lawyers now understand that they must study the laws, trade practices, and cultural traditions of China in order to be more effective in doing business with their partners.

第四十四題:Both my family and I have developed lasting, deep and warm personal friendships with many individuals in China. I have been pleased and privileged to be part of these friendship links.// The past two years have been of particular significance in this process. In the Spring of 2002 together with my three sons I visited the Tibet Autonomous Region in China. Our visit to Tibet was highly memorable.
答案:我和我的家人與許多中國人建立了持久、深厚和親切的私人友誼。我感到高興和榮幸自己是這些友誼紐帶中的一個部分。// 過去的兩年在這進程中具有特別意義。2002年春天,我和我的3個兒子訪問了西藏自治區(qū)。我們難以忘卻我們的西藏之行。

第四十五題:Now the slowest among us drive faster than that speed even in school zones, while those plane pilots fly faster than sound.// Within a few generations, we've also created and learned to transmit unimaginable amounts of information, through electronic devices and through the Internet. In short, things are changing very, very fast, and they're not going to slow down.

第四十六題: With more than 1,000 companies exhibiting on a surface area of 80,000 square meters, the fair has achieved a scale not known before. Half of the exhibiting companies are overseas suppliers.// All exhibitors want to contribute to the success of this fair and some have gone to considerable expense, despite the current economic slowdown.

第四十七題: This conference will exert a positive impact on the shaping of a new world political and economic pattern. The establishment of an international relationship calls for new concepts and new approaches.// I believe that a new international relationship should be constructed on the basis of mutual respect, equality and mutual benefit and enhanced exchanges and cooperation.

第四十八題:Today Britain produces 11% of the world's exported manufactured goods. Britain needs to export to pay for all the foods it needs.// The country is the fifth most densely populated in the world. It has a population of 59 million people on a number of islands.// There just is not enough room to grow food for all these people even though British agriculture is one of the most mechanized and most advanced in the world.

第四十九題:Australia has a well-developed radio and television industry. Radio and television broadcasting services are provided by national, commercial, multicultural and public organizations.// The Australian Broadcasting Company's radio and television programs cover news and current affairs, information, children and education, arts, religion, drama, music, light entertainment, documentaries and sports.

第五十題:The “standard of living” of a country means the average person' s share of the goods and services which the country produces. A country’ s standard of living, therefore, depends first and foremost on its capacity to produce wealth. // “Wealth” in this sense is not money, for we do not live on money but on things that money can buy: “goods” such as food and clothing, and “services” such as transport and entertainment.




答案:With the rapid development of science and technology and the swift changes in the world economic order and patterns, population and development have further become an important issue, which draws general concern of the international community.// It is the common choice of all countries to seek a way to achieve sustainable development with population, economy, society, resources and environment all in harmony.

答案:China's main guidelines for tackling the population and development issue are clearly spelt out. China will take into consideration its basic national conditions, and tackle its own population and development issue in its own specific way. //With a full consideration of different cultural backgrounds and religious beliefs among nationalities, China will persistently make great efforts in formulating and implementing population and development plans and policies.

第三題:與西方國家相比,中國成立博物館的時間要晚得多,而且在過去,中國博物館建設(shè)發(fā)展的速度是比較慢的。// 中國的第一家公共博物館是南通博物館,該館建立于1905年,位于現(xiàn)在華東地區(qū)江蘇省的南通市。
答案:Compared with Western countries, China set out much later to build its museums, and the development of museums in the country was slow in the past.// The first public museum of the country, Nantong Museum, was founded in Nantong, a city of east China's Jiangsu Province, in 1905.

答案:In November 1949, China's Ministry of Culture established the Cultural Relics Administrative Bureau, which began management of the 21 museums in the country. Since then, museum administrative authorities at different levels have been gradually established throughout the country.// Especially after the start of the reform and opening up in 1978, with the improvement of China's overall national strength, Chinese museums have witnessed a more rapid development/ begun developing more rapidly.

第五題:世博與旅游,歷來相互結(jié)合、相互促進。旅游服務是世博服務的重要領(lǐng)域和重要組成部分。// 認真做好世博旅游服務工作是黨和人民賦予旅游行業(yè)的歷史使命和光榮任務,是旅游行業(yè)義不容辭的責任。
答案:The World Expo and tourism have always interacted, promoted and complemented each other. Tourism is an important field and part of the World Expo.//It is a historical mission and glorious task that the Party and the people have shouldered on us in the (provision of) World Expo tourism. Therefore, it is our duty-bound responsibility to do a good job.

第六題:同時,也要充分認識到,上海世博會的成功舉辦,對我國旅游業(yè)的發(fā)展是一次十分難得的重要機遇,是中國旅游業(yè)展示良好形象、擴大國際影響的重要時機。// 現(xiàn)代世博會舉辦的經(jīng)驗表明,在世博綜合效應中,旅游效應是最直接、最顯著、最持久的。
答案:At the same time, we should be fully aware that the successful holding of the World Expo is a very rare and important opportunity for China's tourism and also an important opportunity for China's tourism to display a good image and expand international influence.//The modern World Expo experience has shown that of the combined/comprehensive effects of the Expo, the effect of tourism is (the) most direst, obvious and lasting.

答案:Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Jinghe High-tech Park. I am Operation Manager of the Park. It's my great honor to give you an introduction on how to attract foreign investment to the Park.//The Park's two leading industries are information technology and modern biotechnology.

答案:The Park Administration takes strong measures to improve the investment environment, and to make the Park one of the best investment destinations in North China.//The Park' s selection criteria for the target industries are as follows. They must strengthen research and development functions, and collaborate with universities and public research institutes. So far, multinational companies from the United States, Japan, Germany and the United Kingdom have already settled down in the Park. Great achievements have been/remarkable progress has been made in attracting foreign investments.

答案:Being a common language of humanity, sport is an important factor in the promotion of peace and development. // Ever since ancient times, sport has transcended differences in race, color and culture. The Olympic born over 2000 years before is the expression of such pursuit.

答案:Sport has given expression to humanity's aspirations for and pursuit of a peaceful and better world, as evidenced in the Olympic spirit that came into being more than 2,000 years ago.// Sport and physical education are activities undertaken in humanity's ceaseless pursuit of the Olympic ideal.// Sport not only builds one's physique, but also teaches communication, cooperation, respect for others. It is also an important medium for strengthening the ties among different civilizations and values.

答案:Now, I'd like to give you a brief introduction to the World Heritage Sites in China. China is a country with an age-old history, a brilliant civilization, and magnificent landscapes.//On this land, China enjoys diverse and beautiful natural and geographical conditions, and landscapes with the varied features of north, east, south and west. Such excellent geographical conditions have produced many natural scenic spots.

答案:The rich and precious cultural and natural heritages left by China' s long history are assets for both the Chinese nation and the rest of the world.// Today, however, these cultural and natural heritages are threatened by the increasing damages mainly caused by their own old age and some by man-made damage, to which we should pay high attention.

答案:Thanks to accelerated economic globalization, the growing China-US business relations have exhibited the features of interdependence, mutual benefit and win-win progress.//We hope that the US administration will follow the trend of historical development, and pursue the right trade policy so as to enable our two peoples to gain more concrete benefits.

答案:China-US business relationship is the most complex one in today's world owing to its huge scale, broad scope and the extensive interests of various parties involved.//A case in point in China-US business relationship is the issue of product quality and food safety. China and the United States have had in-depth and frank discussions on this issue.

第十五題:合作與交流應當是雙向的。我認為,我們應當處理好競爭與合作的關(guān)系。合作比競爭更為有利。// 然而,我們注意到中國對海外的報道與西方媒體對中國的報道,兩者之間存在明顯的失衡。
答案:Cooperation and exchanges should be two-way. We believe that we should handle well the relationship between competition and cooperation. Cooperation can be more advantageous than competition.// However, (as we have noticed/as we are aware,) there is a marked imbalance between China's report on foreign countries and the reports on China by western media.

答案:In China, people can watch different programs about foreign countries. But you can find very few positive programs about China's economic development and social progress in western countries.//I think that there are many reasons for this phenomenon. But I believe that enhanced cooperation and exchanges can eventually change this unbalanced situation.

答案:Since the outbreak of the international financial crisis, profound reflection has multiplied among international organizations, governments, business communities and the academia as a method for exploring causes of the crisis and ways for global and national economy. // China’s economic achievement has arisen both cheers and boos, so does its future prospect.

第十八題:對此,我們的頭腦是清醒的,胸中是有數(shù)的,信心是堅定的。 //我們堅持用改革的辦法破解發(fā)展難題,不斷完善社會主義市場經(jīng)濟體制。我們?nèi)嫱七M社會事業(yè)發(fā)展,初步形成覆蓋城鄉(xiāng)的社會保障體系。
答案:However, in this regard, we are clear in mind with thoughtful plans and firm confidence.//We will adhere to the reforms in addressing problems relating to the development and continuously perfect the economic system in the socialist market. We will propel the thrive of social undertakings and preliminarily form the social security system covering urban and rural areas.

答案:We must respect work, knowledge, competent people and creation. This is an important policy of the Party and state.// All work that contributes to the construction of socialists modernization is glorious and should be acknowledged and respected.

答案:All investors at home and from overseas should be encouraged to carry out business activities in China’s development. All legitimate income, from work or not (from work), should be protected.// We should protect the vitality for further growth / development of the developed regions. More importantly, we must pay great(er) attention to and show concern for less developed areas and industries and people in (comparatively) straitened circumstance. We must (take effective measures to) help them solve their problems.

第二十一題:今天,我很高興能有機會同青年朋友見面,講幾句話。青年是國家和民族的未來,也是維護世界和平與發(fā)展的主力軍。// 青年富于朝氣和活力。他們積極向上,對新鮮事物充滿了好奇,強力的求知欲促使他們了解世界。
答案:Today, I’m glad to have the opportunity to meet our young friends and say a few words. Youth are the future of a country and nation, and the major force in promoting world peace and development as well.//Youth are full of vigor and vitality. They are active, aspirant and curious about the new things. Their strong desire for knowledge pushes them to learn what is going on in the world / about the world.

答案:If the youth of all countries have enough exchange channels to promote mutual understanding, world peace and development will be ensured.// I hope that all the young friends from different parts of the world presents (today) can share /exchange their views freely, pass on their pass on their experience so as to promote the cause of unity and friendship among youth in the world.

答案:Shanghai, young and vigorous in its diversity, stands as an epitome of modern China. Although perceived as a silver medal when compared to Beijing as far as cultural heritage, Shanghai boasts captivating landscapes and universal architectural complex that instill the city with endless charm.// To this day, Shanghai has gained fame both at home and abroad.

答案:A walk in this fast changing metropolis reveals numerous historical highlights. // Hidden behind myriads of skyscrapers are the milestones of Shanghai’s development. They stand testament to the momentum with which Shanghai has taken new forms since it opened its port to foreign trade in the 19th century and, in particular, since the People’s Republic of China was founded.

答案:On behalf of the Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office, I would like to welcome you in Toronto to this special screening of our chosen films, which also marks the closing of the two-week long Hong Kong Arts Festivals.// These films embody the Hong Kong spirits, our flexible and pragmatic way of doing business and our resilient and resilient and creative workforces.

第二十六題:正是這種精神使香港從一個小漁村發(fā)展成為亞洲主要金融商業(yè)中心。在香港,這種精神隨處可見。// 我們希望:隨著藝術(shù)節(jié)降下帷幕,香港和加拿大的關(guān)系越來越緊密。下面請觀賞影片。
答案:Indeed, that spirit is what propels Hong Kong from a small fishing village to a major financial and business centre in Asia. I t can be found in every profession and industry in HK.// We hope the closing of the Festival will find the Hong Kong-Canada relationship much closer. Next, let’s enjoy the vintage film.

答案:Today, I would like to talk about the direct foreign investment /DFI in China can maximize the strength of both parties concerned.// China has massive land, abundant natural resources, adequate labor (force), low taxation, a growing market and improving infrastructure.

答案:Of course, China ails has a stable social and political environment with attractive investment politics. All these are rarely found elsewhere in the world.// Foreign investors from developed countries or areas will surely yield high economic returns if they have sufficient funds, advanced technology and managerial expertise.

答案:Wushu, or Chinese martial arts, can trace back to the ancient times. It is a gem of the Chinese traditional culture. And it is now spreading to the rest of the world to be shared by mankind. // The Chinese Wushu Association and International Wushu Federation (IWUF) have been working very hard to popularize Wushu and move the Chinese martial arts closer to the Olympic Movement.

答案:The booming of Wushu is attributed nor only to the attractiveness of the sport but also to (the efforts by ) whose early emigrant Chinese Wushu masters .//In modern times, Competitive Wushu, which has developed on the basis of traditional Wushu, provides a new stage to popularize and improve the Chinese martial arts.

答案:East Asian countries have built up significant economic strength. The people in this region are wise and hardworking, and this piece of land is endowed with rich human and natural resources. //All the countries in this region have formulated their development strategies in the light of their actual conditions, constantly readjusted their industrial structure and promoted scientific and technological progress. East Asian countries suffer, to varying degrees, from untenable economic structures, backward infrastructures and enormous pressures from over population.

第三十二題:女士們,先生們:今天我們歐亞各國領(lǐng)導人在此聚會,就促進廣泛領(lǐng)域里的合作,建立新的伙伴關(guān)系,交換我們的意見。// 建立一個新的歐亞伙伴關(guān)系要求我們有新的觀念和方法,它必須建立健全在互相尊重和平等互利的基礎(chǔ)上。
答案:Ladies and gentlemen, today, we leaders from European and Asian countries are gathered here to share our views on promoting our cooperation in a wide range of areas and building a new (European-Asian) partnership. //The building of a new European-Asian partnership calls for new concepts and new methodology. I believe that a new partnership between Europe and Asia should be constructed on the basis of mutual respect, equality and mutual benefits.

答案:We should seek common ground while putting aside differences, enhance mutual understanding and trust, eliminate trade barriers / sanctions / obstacles, and promote technical exchange.// We hope that Europe will understand the aspirations of Asian countries to promote economic development while maintaining political stability and support their efforts in this regard.

答案:As our country is gradually moving towards the aging society, we need to establish a complete set of community security system meant for the old people.// The establishment and development of China’s socialist market economy also requires the reform and improvement in our social welfare and security system.

答案:The trend towards economic globalization has grown stronger. The economic situation in the Asia-Pacific region has undergone many changes. We need to think about ways to cope with these new developments.// Economic globalization has triggered more fierce market competition worldwide. As major players in economic activities, enterprises are obviously under pressure from competition.

答案:We stand for cooperation amidst competition and common development and prosperity through cooperation, which will eventually lead to a better life for all people together.//Again, let’s together explore modalities for the growth and development of enterprises in the new situation, look for ways to rejuvenate the Asia-Pacific economy and contribute our due share to stabilizing the economic situation in the Asia-Pacific region.

答案:Welcome all of you coming all the way to attend “China’s First Consultation on Investment in the West”. In the past few years, the overseas investment in coastal areas was quadrupled. //Today an increasing number of overseas institutional and individual investors have shown a great interest in the investment in western China. There are various reasons for such a rising investment fever.

答案:China is one of the fastest growing economies in the world. The Chinese government focuses a lot of their attention on opening the whole country up to the outside world, not only the coastal areas but also the interior areas, in order to attract more investment. //Besides, many overseas investors who have already invested in the coastal areas find it equally profitable to invest in the west part of china.

答案:The WTO accession is a strategic decision made by the Chinese leaders under accelerated economic globalization. //The WTO accession is not only in the interests of China, but also in the interests of all WTO Members. It will inevitably exert widespread and far-reaching impact on the world economy in the new century.

答案:After its accession, China will, on the basis of the balance between rights and obligations, abide by the WTO rules and honor its commitments while enjoying its rights. // China will, as always, value and strengthen equal and mutually beneficial economic and trade relations with countries and regions in the world, and make its positive contribution to the progress of world economy and trade.

答案:After the founding of New China / PRC, especially since the opening up to the outside world and the reform, the Chinese government has attached great importance to tourism, which has been undergoing steady and fast growth. // Presently, China ranks among the top destinations in the world in terms of both tourist arrivals and foreign currency receipts, our outbound tourists are also increasing rapidly. China is now a big market for tourism.

答案:The poor areas, mostly situated in the central and western parts of China, have relatively rich resources and cheap labor.//  It is fully possible for the western region to import capital and technology, and accept transferred industries, so as to improve the position of poor areas in the division of regional industries and quicken the change of local industrial structure and economic development.

第四十三題:當前,中美關(guān)系面臨新的機遇和挑戰(zhàn)??偟膩砜矗忻篮献鞯幕A(chǔ)在增強,合作領(lǐng)域在擴大。// 現(xiàn)在,兩國人員往來每年超過百萬人次,在美工作或?qū)W習的大陸留學生和學者超過18萬。
答案:China-US relations at present are faced with new opportunities and new challenges. Viewed as a whole, the foundation for China-US cooperation is getting stronger and the scope wider.// As things stand now, over one million visits exchanged by personnel from two sides every year and over 180,000 Chinese mainland students and scholars studies or worked in the US.

第四十四題:這些交流與合作造福了兩國人民,也對世界和平與繁榮作出了積極貢獻。我在美國前后工作近7年,到過50個州,經(jīng)歷了中美關(guān)系的風風雨雨。// 我的切身體會是,中美之間的共同利益遠遠大于分歧。中美應該而且也可以成為最大的合作伙伴。
答案:These exchanges and cooperation have benefited the two peoples and contributed to world peace and prosperity.I have been working in the United States for nearly 7 years, having traveled to 50 stats and witnessed many ups and downs in the Sino-US relationship. // It is my guts feeling that the common interests between us far outweigh our differences and China and the US can and should become the world’s greatest partners.

答案:As the biggest continent on the earth, Asia takes up 60% of its population. It has abundant resources, a long history and profound / magnificent and exquisite cultures. // With its great changes and rise in the last century, Asia wrote a glorious chapter of its development and left a brilliant hallmark on the advancement of human society.

答案:In recent years, thanks to the joint efforts of Asian countries, there has been a growing awareness of regional cooperation; while a situation of healthy and mutually beneficial cooperation is taking shape.// Economic development is the primary task of Asian countries. Such areas as trade, communications, agriculture, information and energy can be made priorities of cooperation, which will be gradually enlarged to include other areas.

答案:Ladies and gentlemen, in this beautiful autumn, I am very happy to welcome the distinguished guests to China West Forum 2001 in the ancient capital Xi’an, an age-old and mysterious city full of dynamism of the modern era.// Taking this opportunity, /I would like to take this opportunity to brief you on the new opportunities for foreign investment in the west after China joins the WTO.

答案:The Chinese government attaches importance to attracting and using foreign capital. The use of foreign capital includes both direct and indirect investment from overseas businesses. //China will further encourage foreign business to invest in agriculture, new-and-high-tech industries and basic industries.

答案:China will also continue to expand the sphere of foreign investment. China will further encourage open bidding and make more use of foreign capital in petrochemical and building industries. // Besides, China will strive to improve the distribution of investments, and adopt effective measures to guide and encourage foreign investment in central and western regions, so as to accelerate the economic development in those regions.

第五十題:女士們,先生們,下午好首先請允許我代表市長先生對以史密斯先生為團長的美國貿(mào)易代表團表示熱烈的歡迎.// 中美兩國都是大國。自1972年建交以來,兩國人民一直友好往來,雙邊貿(mào)易也大幅度上升。
答案:Ladies and gentlemen, good afternoon, please allow me, on behalf of Mr. Mayor, to extend our warm welcome to the Trade Delegation from America headed by Mr. Smith. // China and the United States are two big countries. The two peoples have carried out (enjoyed) friendly exchanges ever since the establishment of diplomatic relations in 1972. the bilateral trade has increased greatly.



第一題:Healthy oceans are critical to sustaining life on Earth. They regulate the climate and provide a wide range of services, including natural resources, nutritious food and jobs that benefit billions of people. // In order to protect the health of our oceans, it is crucial for us to know their current state, and understand the impact that human activities and climate change are having on them.
答案:健康的海洋對于維持地球上的生命至關(guān)重要。健康的海洋調(diào)節(jié)氣候,提供自然資源、營養(yǎng)食物和就業(yè)等多種服務,為數(shù)十億人民帶來福祉。// 為了保護海洋的健康,我們必須了解海洋的現(xiàn)狀,認識人類活動和氣候變化對海洋的影響。

第二題:Urgent action on a global scale is needed to protect the world’s oceans from the many pressures they face, and to protect them from future dangers. // Last year, in adopting the landmark 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, Member States stressed that healthy and productive oceans will play a crucial role in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals.

第三題:Going on holiday not only makes you feel good while you're there - you will get the health benefits for months, new research shows. Flying to foreign destinations such as the Maldives cuts your blood pressure, helps you sleep better and bounce back from stress, it found.// The benefits last at least a fortnight longer than the vacation and can be felt for months in some cases it is claimed.

第四題:Ladies and Gentlemen, during my stay here for 5 years, I have noticed many cultural differences. Such cultural differences arise from a difference in region, race, history, and environment and in the levels of social and economic development.//Here are some examples. We American emphasize efficiency, competition and originality, while your management gives priority to careful planning and encourages close cooperation.

第五題:Ladies and gentlemen, the world today is facing a serious problem of poverty in some areas. We must refocus our attention, and resources, on the places and people that are economically being left behind.//As we do, we must bear in mind that none are more committed to ending poverty than the poor themselves. Often, all they lack is the guidance and the tools to get rid of poverty.

第六題:Ladies and gentlemen, in the last two years I have witnessed tremendous advances across China, particularly in hi-tech manufacturing sectors, in science and research.//Britain is well placed to enable China to develop even faster in these areas. Hi-tech manufacturing industries are global and they are important to us all.

第七題:The whole world has focused its attention on China, an oriental country that still appears mysterious to many people in the west. China is providing the greatest fascination in the 21st century.//Since the Second World War, countries like Britain and Germany have had major achievements and minor problems, while Southeast Asia has had major problems and minor achievements.
答案:全世界的注意力都集中在中國這個對許多西方人士來說依然十分神秘的國家。中國是21世紀最具有吸引力的國家。// 自從第二次世界大戰(zhàn)以來,英國和德國這樣的國家取得了巨大成就,遇到了小問題。東南亞遇到了大問題,取得了小成就。

第八題:In the near future, professors will run their courses over digital platforms capable of collecting data on each student’s progress. These platforms were initially developed for massive open online courses. // However, universities are now folding these platforms back into their traditional classes because they make it easier to share content, host discussions and keep track of student work.
答案:在不久的將來,教授們將會使用一種能夠收集每位學生的學習進度數(shù)據(jù)的數(shù)字平臺來授課。最初開發(fā)這些平臺是為了服務于海量的在線公開課程。// 然而,由于這些平臺能夠更加便捷地分享教學內(nèi)容、開展課程討論并同步學生學業(yè)進度,現(xiàn)如今各大高校都轉(zhuǎn)而將其應用到傳統(tǒng)課堂中。

第九題:What will the role of universities be in this globalized economy? How will they contribute to improving society through innovation that will improve the quality of life and support economic growth? // How will they prepare their graduates who will extract the best and explore the greatest in this increasingly complex society?

第十題:The fundamental mission of a university is the creation of new knowledge which sometimes has immediate practical applications. But that can never be the only goal. // And making it a primary goal will frequently be short-sighted. Basic contributions to knowledge should be valued for being exactly that.
答案:大學最根本的使命就是創(chuàng)造新知識,雖然大學所創(chuàng)造的新知識有時會立即產(chǎn)生實際應用價值,但這決不是大學所追求的唯一目標。// 將獲取實際應用價值的目標定位大學的主要目標是一種目光短淺的行為?;A(chǔ)研究也同樣是大學的使命.

第十一題:We are all familiar with at least one language, yet few of us ever stop to consider what we know about it. The words of a language can be listed in a dictionary, but not all the sentences. // Speakers use a finite set of rules to produce and understand an infinite set of sentences.

第十二題:Let us move to the last part of Traveling in the US—accommodation. Although it is not difficult to find a place to stay in while traveling in America, it is a tough job for you to find an ideal place to meet your pockets.// If you go by air, you will see plenty of hotels advertised at the airports. If you arrive by train or by car, probably the best thing to do is look in the Yellow Pages.答案:現(xiàn)在我們談美國之行的最后一部分——住宿。在美旅游時,找個住宿并不難,難得是找一個稱心如意價格合適的住宿。//如乘飛機前往,你會在機場看到許多賓館的廣告。如坐火車或駕車到達,你最好查詢電話本(黃頁)。

第十三題:I am very glad that all of you will soon go to the US to study and work with Americans. So, as the first lecture in the orientation program, I’d like to talk about what Americans do in a restaurant. // In American restaurants, you are usually served tap water before you order. You may find the bread and butter is free.

第十四題:Ladies and gentlemen, First of all, I would like to express my heart-felt thanks to our Chinese hosts for their extraordinary arrangements. // In the short period of ten days of friendly visit, we have acquired a keen sense of the diversity, dynamism and development of China under your policies of reform and opening up to the outside world.

第十五題:The European Union has adopted a new strategy for Asian affairs .We urge our EU members to efficiently cooperate with Asian countries to establish a constructive, stable and equal partnership. //Since the 1980s, Asia, and East Asia in particular, has witnessed a rapid rise to prosperity. As the world’s most robust economic region, East Asia has attracted worldwide attention with its remarkable achievement.

第十六題:Thank you very much for your kind words of welcome. This is a happy and memorable for me as well as for my delegation. //China is one of the very earliest cradles of civilization. To come to China is the dream of many people the world over. Therefore, I feel greatly proud and privileged to be your guest here.

第十七題:With the rapid spread of the Internet and the technological innovations, the information era is truly upon us, profoundly influencing and changing not only our lifestyle, but also the way we work. //Therefore many countries have, or are in the process of creating, their own “Silicon Valley.” So far, none of them will threaten the preeminence of the U.S. prototype. What makes Silicon Valley in the U.S. such a unique entity?

第十八題:It has been a fashion nowadays that people own private cars. It has been rightly said that owning a private car is a symbol of living a high-quality life.// But, personally, when a man is sitting behind a steering wheel, his car becomes the extension of his personality. There is no doubt that the motor-car often brings out a man’s very worst qualities.

第十九題:We are meeting here to call for changes in the US patent laws. We believe such changes in the US patent laws are needed to deal with new business models related to the Internet. //US patent laws are designed to protect the commercial rights of people who have invested in new products or techniques.

第二十題:Thank you very much for your gracious invitation to visit your great country. Although our two countries are geographically located far apart, we have a lot in common, especially in improving our peoples’ living standard. //As we are both developing countries, we welcome the interest and understanding that China has shown regarding the problems of, and positions taken by, small and developing countries.

第二十一題:Different from Chinese people, traditionally, we Americans work because it is the will of God, and we often value the results and accomplishments of work more than its process.// I really appreciate the devotion and commitment that the Chinese people have shown in their work. I think most Chinese view their work as essential for having membership in a community.

第二十二題:I’m a native speaker of English. I have found the English language is such a noble medium. It’s impossible to write a page without experiencing positive pleasure at its richness and variety. //If an English writer cannot say what he has to say in English, and in simple English, it is probably not worth saying. But, the pity is that English is not more generally learned and studied in our country.

第二十三題:Since I landed on your beautiful land, I have found there are some differences in business negotiations between Chinese and American businessmen. It is my third year here now and this impression has been growing stronger. //Today, I would like to take this opportunity to share a piece of my mind with you. I think there are at least two major differences in business negotiations.

第二十四題:The World Expo is not the same as a trade fair, in which mainly governments and international organizations participate. // The World Expo, on the other hand, displays the achievements and prospects in the economic, cultural and technological sectors, and is an event where people from all over the world come together to exchange experience and ideas, and learn from one another.

第二十五題:For university graduates, it is always not so easy to find a good job. They often wonder at the large number of employers who do not respond to their applications for jobs. // They say that despite enclosing return envelopes they hear nothing at all, or at best, an impersonal note is sent declaring that the post for which they applied has been filled.

第二十六題:In 1996, one would probably define “new economy” as an economy driven and powered by technology. Now, seven years later, various new advancements and new factors are calling for a modified view. //It is true that new economy is driven by technology, but that is not all. A spirit of innovation and initiative is also the driving force of its progress.

第二十七題:In many countries of the world, the celebration of Christmas on December 25th is a high point of the year. From November onwards, it is impossible to forget that Christmas is coming. //Colored lights decorate many town centers and shops, along with shiny decorations, and artificial snow painted on shop windows. Shopping centers become busier as December approaches and often stay open till late.

第二十八題:Currently there is a widespread belief that the trend in the future is quick profits, quick growth and everything accomplished quick. However, to us young people, this is not the right message; it is nothing but an illusion. //True, social changes brought about by even faster flows of information and advances in technology are irresistible today, but they do not always translate into wealth or success overnight.

第二十九題:According to our experience of working in China over the last decade, the most significant factor in conducting business in China is a good partnership. //Some foreign companies have had poor experiences with their partners in China and, as a result, some have pulled out of joint ventures. We are privileged to be working with the most successful domestic manufacturer in China.

第三十題:Natural changes in the climate are probably to blame for the unusual weather conditions in many parts of the world. In recent days there have been floods in Central Europe, parts of Russia, the Philippines, India and China.// The weather effect, which is known as El Nino, occurs every few years and causes warming of the Pacific Ocean near South America. It can have severe, destructive effects on rainfall.

第三十一題:People tour and travel for various purposes. Some people travel entirely for the purpose of recreation or pleasure; we can say that they are people on holiday. //Some people travel for reasons of health. Other people travel to visit friends or relatives. Still others travel in order to educate and enrich themselves.

第三十二題:The American computer firm Microsoft has announced that it will invest four hundred million dollars in India over the next three years. The investments will include information technology education and the development of software for the local market. //Part of the investment will be in IT education in local schools, and it will affect three and a half million students and eighty thousand teachers.

第三十三題:As a responsible nation, we have strong interest in making global trade and investment as free as possible, as fair as possible, and so open as possible.// The past five years has witnessed a steady and sustained increase in US trade, which has produced more than one-third of our country’s economic growth.

第三十四題:I am interested in the Chinese history and culture. I still remember till this day the remark of the late Chinese leader Mao Tse-tong. “It is the people, and the people alone, that is the motive force in the making of world history.” // Chinese people are people of diligence and intelligence. Both my government and people believe that friendship and cooperation with China is an essential part of our future work.

第三十五題:The position of Britain in Europe and the world at large is well known. I believe that it is in the interests of my countrymen that Britain should remain an active and energetic member of the European Union. //Only in this way can we protect our own interests in an uncertain and changing world. I believe that it is in the interests of Europe and the world as a whole that Europe should increasingly unite and speak with a common voice.

第三十六題:There was a time when Americans were shocked to learn that a popular movie star or singer was taking drugs. Today Americans are learning that such things happen to ordinary people like themselves and their children. // About 30 million Americans do drugs on a regular basis. Between 5 to 6 million regularly use cocaine and some 500 thousand are addicted to heroin.

第三十七題:With the economic globalization and cultural internationalization,no countries in the world today call develop in close isolation. It is the growing trend today that nations benefit from one another. //India and China are two great nations with different cultures, political traditions and economic systems. But they have also many common interests, which call be served by improved relations.

第三十八題:Like many other countries, the number of elderly people in Britain has increased dramatically in the last 15 years and what is disturbing is that many are in urgent need of care,particularly regular medical Care. //The high cost of caring for the elderly has put a burden on the government and social services, and they are failing to provide the suitable care for people living in large dries and towns and depressed areas.
答案:同許多國家一樣,過去15年英國的老年人數(shù)急劇增加,令人不安的是許多人急需照料,尤其經(jīng)常性的醫(yī)療保健。//由于照顧老年人所需昂貴費用已成為政府和社會福利部門的沉重負擔,這些部門已經(jīng)不能為生活, 在大城市和經(jīng)濟蕭條地區(qū)的人們提供合適的幫助/照顧。

第三十九題:Ladies and gentlemen, today I would like to devote myself to the topic of globalization. The world is changing rapidly as nations reach out to establish new and expanded commercial relationships to stimulate national growth. //International travel is increasingly common, and communications between countries are not only easy but also fast, thanks to the rapid development of modem science and technology.
答案:女士們,先生們:今天我只想談談全球化這個話題。世界變化飛快,為了促進本國國民經(jīng)濟的發(fā)展,各國都在爭取建立或擴大與其他國家的商務來往。 //由于現(xiàn)代科技的迅速發(fā)展,國際旅游日趨頻繁,各國之間的通訊便利捷達。

第四十題:I wish to thank you for accepting my invitation to share your evening with my colleagues and me. These have been very pleasant days in Beijing, and I’m happy that our visit to Beijing should conclude in such a-warm atmosphere. // The world-wide excitement created by China is found in your willingness to face challenges, and in your genius in organizing to Chinese people to face challenges with you.

第四十一題:Today, I’d like to speak a little bit about the bilateral relations between our two countries. After a difficult period in our relations, we need a dialogue which is' strict, diligent, realistic and creative.' // We need a dialogue that prevents any single issue from affecting the entire relationship. Recently, our two Presidents had candid exchanges on many differences. As a result, our bilateral relationship will be much stronger.

第四十二題:York is the capital city of Yorkshire and was once known as England’s “second” city. It has a long history dating back to Roman times. Indeed many of the streets and road bear Roman Names. //York is a major tourist city for many reasons. The city boats one of the most famous cathedrals in the world. It has a number of interesting museums and the architecture within the city covers different periods of history.

第四十三題:Since 1980s when China adopted reform and opening up policies, China has always been a focus of attention of the world as its trade relations with other countries have developed by leaps and bounds.// Many foreign businessmen have found that China is one of the fastest growing economies in the world and one of the best choices of their investment destinations.

第四十四題:My direct contact with the people of China began with man first visit to Shanghai in 1972. // Through my membership in the Society for Anglo-Chinese Friendship, I have been able to assist in a small way the development of friendship between our peoples.
答案:1972年我第一次訪問上海,由此開始了我與中國人民的直接交往。// 我是英中友好協(xié)會的會員,這使我有可能為發(fā)展英中兩國人民之間的友誼做出自己微薄的貢獻。

第四十五題:The pace of change in the world around us is accelerating. Please consider the fact that until the invention of the steam engine, the fastest form of transportation was the sailing ship. // When the automobile was developed, doctors warned that human body probably couldn't stand speeds of more than 13 miles an hour.
答案:在我們周圍,世界變化的腳步越來越快。請不妨想一想這——事實:在蒸汽機發(fā)明前,帆船運輸是最快的交通方式。//當有了汽車后,醫(yī)生們警告說人體可能無法承受高于每小時1 3英哩的速度。

第四十六題:It gives me great pleasure to welcome you most warmly, in the name of all the exhibiting companies, to the first international bakery trade fair of the new millennium.// As the most significant bakery trade fair in the world, we have returned to New York after 17 years. The organizing company for this year's trade fair has arranged all the details to ensure that everything runs smoothly. For that, a big thank-you to all involved!

第四十七題:This is a pioneering conference of historic significance. It reflects the common desire of developing countries for world peace and development and for international exchanges and cooperation.// This conference shows the growth of developing countries in recent years, signifies the new changes in the entire international relations, and marks a growing trend toward multi-polarity.

第四十八題:Britain was the first highly industrialized country and for a long time it led the world in industrial production. In 1870 Britain made one third of all the world's manufactured goods.// From about 1870, however, Britain began to lose its lead. Today Britain produces 11% of the world's exported manufactured goods. Britain needs to expot to pay for all the foods it needs.

第四十九題:Most Australians have daily contact with the mass communications media. Research shows Australians read more newspapers per head of population than any other nationality. //As a result, newspapers in the nation's major and capital cities have large circulation figures. In Australia, most major newspapers are owned by a small group of proprietors.

第五十題:A country's capacity to produce wealth depends upon many factors, most of which have an effect on one another. // Wealth depends to a great extent upon a country’s natural resources, such as coal, gold, and other minerals, water supply and so on.




答案:The issue of Tibet is an internal affair of China which should not influence the development of Sino-British relations. //As for the Dalai Lama’s remarks that he did not want to achieve independence of Tibet, but high level autonomy, this is not the first time he has made this proposal. This is merely the first step toward restoration of his rule over Tibet prior to achieving independence.

答案:Facts have proved that Dalai Lama has never given up his attempt to gain independence for Tibet. He is continuously carrying out such activities in the international arena. //We hope he can give up his position and stop his activities to split the motherland, and recognize the government of the People’s Republic of China as the only legal government representing the whole of China. Only under such circumstances can negotiations be conducted.

答案:The first generation of museums are what might be called natural museums which, by means of fossils, specimens and other objects, introduced to people the evolutionary history of the Earth and various kinds of organisms. //The second generation are those of industrial technologies which presented the fruits achieved by industrial civilization at different stages of industrialization.

答案:Despite the fact that those two generations of museums helped to spread scientific knowledge, they nevertheless treated visitors merely as passive viewers. //The third generation of museums in the world are those with full of novel concepts ideas. In those museums, visitors are allowed to operate the exhibits with their own hands, to observe and to experience carefully.

答案:By getting closer to the advanced science and technologies in this way, people can probe into their secret mysteries. The China Museum of Science and Technology is precisely one of such museums. //It has incorporated some of the most fascinating features of those museums with international reputation. Having designed and created exhibits in mechanics, electrical science, t, and biology. Those exhibits demonstrate scientific principles and present the most advanced scientific and technological achievements.

答案:In the contemporary period, Shanghai had a bitter, blood-and-tear history of many miseries and inequalities. However, there is a different and more important picture of Shanghai as a modern metropolis. It has been full of vitality and vigor, displaying its unique intelligence and wisdom, characterized by an innovative and enterprising spirit. //It has the courage to assume risks and is in possession of both the awareness and the mechanism of competition. Such a metropolitan mentality or style inspires its residents, encouraging them to keep abreast with the changing epochs and to make efforts toward greater progress.

答案:Equal are the generous gifts granted by Nature to all human individuals, whether they are wealthy or impoverished. Therefore, all human individuals have become unanimously and profoundly indebted to Nature. //This is particularly true in rural areas where ways of life have remained intact and unchanged for people for thousands of years. In such a way, each locality has evolved its own unique folk tales and has transmitted its distinctive habits and customs.

答案:China will unswervingly observe the independent and peaceful foreign policy. It will continue to reinforce its solidarity and cooperation with the developing countries in the world and, together with them, to safeguard the just and reasonable rights of the developing countries. //At the same time, we will be further committed to stabilizing our peripheral areas and to consolidating the harmonious friendship with our neighboring countries.

答案:We will also make continued efforts to establish the framework of the future relations with all the major countries of the world. We will take more positive steps to participate in international affairs and in various kinds of multilateral diplomatic activities. //China will remain firm in its opposition to hegemonism, power politics and will endeavor to promote the establishment of a new international political and economic order that is fair, reasonable, equal and reciprocally beneficial.

答案:When Civilization reigns in any country, a wider and less harassed life is afforded to the masses of the people, the traditions of the past are cherished, and the inheritance bequeathed to us by former wise or valiant men becomes a rich estate to be enjoyed and used by all.

答案:Talking of my childhood, I’m forever grateful to my good parents. To them I owe my habit of living a quiet and simple life. They gave me a happy and clean environment so that I am now able to feel content under any circumstances. //I have a deep respect and love for life. I have no grievances against humanity. I think many human failings can be remedied so long as people strive with firm determination.

答案: We live in an ascending scale when we live happily, one thing leading to another in an endless series. There is always a new horizon for onward-looking men, and although we dwell on a small planet, immersed in petty business and not enduring beyond a brief period of years, the term of hoping is prolonged until the term of life.

答案:The UN Human Rights Conference should be a place where the human rights cause promoted. It is the common wish of mankind to push forward progress in human rights. However, the human rights concept is a developmental concept stemming from history. //Human rights conditions vary due to the differences of individual countries in terms of economic development, social system, cultural tradition, and value concepts.

答案:The Chinese people are most eligible to have a say in the issue regarding the human rights situation in China. As China is a developing country, its human rights situation has a two-fold meaning: Firstly, our human rights conditions are developing and improving;// and secondly, as they are still in the process of development, some problems unavoidable exist and need improving.

答案:Anyone who knows about Chinese history believes that the current human rights situation in China is the best in history. Compared to the past, we are very free in speech. //An overseas friend told me that after he visited Beijing he discovered that people there would dare say anything. They talked about the central government’s policies, and praised or criticized them.

答案:The Chinese government has always attached great importance to the issue of human rights and made great efforts in improving human rights according to the general principles and concrete national conditions. //20 years of reform and opening up have witnessed great improvement in the material life of the Chinese people. Moreover, with the increasing perfection of the nation’s democratic construction, they are enjoying more political rights.

答案:Modern means of transportation, telecommunication and mass media have shortened the geographical distance of the world. //The international community appears to be no more than a global village, in which peoples of all nations experience the inevitable cultural exchanges and clashes, while seeking common development in a harmonious and respectful relationship. I’m with the view that in this modern world, the culture of any nation cannot develop in isolation.

答案:I’m with the view that in this modern world, the culture of any nation cannot develop in isolation. And I believe that different cultures should learn from each other’s strengths to offset their own weaknesses. //Of course, the culture of a nation must withhold its own distinctive national characteristics in its extensive exchange with other cultures.

答案:China International Travel Service is offering you an interesting tour program that is characteristic of Chinese national culture. //You will visit world-famous scenic spots, historical sites and magnificent ancient architectural complexes, and appreciate precious cultural relics. You will also have opportunities to enjoy Chinese operas。

答案:Mr. Chairman, it is with great pleasure that I am here to attend this annual meeting. On the occasion of this opening ceremony, I would like to express my deep appreciation to the host for this opportunity to address the topic of peace and development, //and pay my high respect for all the representatives present at the meeting.

答案: This meeting provides us with an ideal arena where we will exchange views, clear up misunderstandings and reach common ground. // would like to take this opportunity to elaborate on the position and views of my government on the issues concerning the establishment of a new international political and economic order at the turn of the century, the prospects of world peace and development, and the role of the United Nations.

答案:My current feeling can be best expressed by an ancient Chinese remark: “How delightful I am to have friends coming from afar!” //The Chinese government attaches great importance to the development of bilateral economic and trade relations and appreciates the efforts made by Canadian-Chinese Trade Council serving as a bridge linking the business communities of our two great nations.

答案:I commend all the members of the Council for their efforts in promoting trade with China. Canada is a country with well-developed industries and abundant resources, //while China has a plentiful supply of labor force and a potential huge market. We hope to see Canadian enterprises make full use of their technical and financial advantages and compete well in the Chinese market.

答案:Ever since its founding, the People’s Republic of China has been consistently seeking prosperity through unification, seeking peace through prosperity, and seeking development through peace.// With the passage of time, it will be even more apparent to the world that China is determined to defend its national security and is capable of doing so, and that China is an important force in safeguarding regional and global peace.

答案:Today I feel more than happy to have the opportunity to gather together with leaders of nine ASEAN countries for the fires time to discuss and explore the development of Chinese-ASEAN friendship and cooperation oriented toward the 21st century. //First of all, I wish to offer my warm congratulations to ASEAN on its 30th anniversary. This meeting, I believe, marks the beginning of a new stage of development in Chinese-ASEAN relations.

答案:With the purpose of engaging active participation broadening common ground, enhancing mutual trust and strengthening cooperation, I have come here to explore together with ASEAN leaders the objectives and guidelines for the development of our future relations. //At this important historical juncture on the eve of the new century, we should good-neighborly partnership of mutual trust orientated toward the 21st century.

答案: This is not only in conformity with the trend of the times and in the fundamental interest of China and ASEAN countries, but also facilitates the establishment of a just and rational new international order and the advancement of the lofty cause of peace and development of Asia and the world at large. //Both the Chinese and the ASEAN people are industrious and courageous people full of wisdom.

答案:Joined together by mountains and rivers or facing each other across the sea, China and ASEAN countries have developed a profound traditional friendship among the people in the course of their age-old contacts and exchanges. //Profound changes have taken place in both China and ASEAN countries. Through a century-long struggle and sacrifice, the Chinese people have built China into a socialist country with initial prosperity. 

答案:The time-honored traditional friendship, similar historical experience and common desire for peace and economic development constitute and important basis both in history and at present for the enhancement of the good-neighborly relations of mutual trust and friendly cooperation between China and ASEAN countries. //China has all along attached great importance to developing its relations with ASEAN and is in support of a positive role by ASEAN in regional and international affairs.

答案:In the past decade, China’s relations with each ASEAN country and ASEAN as an organization have made considerable headway and reached a new level following the establishment of a Chinese-ASEAN partnership with full dialogue. Looking into the 21st century, we are convinced that there lies an even brighter future for the development, prosperity, friendship and cooperation between China and ASEAN.

答案:Welcome to the Donghai World Park. The Donghai World Park, which is the largest theme park of its kind unparalleled in the Far East, features a complete collection of the well-known world scenic spots.// Surrounded by 100 sights of historical interest and natural attraction including the Seven Wonders of the World, you will easily fulfill your dream of touring around the world in a day.

答案:Shanghai is one of the world’s largest seaports. Formerly the largest metropolis of the Far East, Shanghai has become China’s important center of economy, finance, trade, science and technology, information and culture. //As a noted historic and cultural city, Shanghai attracts millions of tourists from home and abroad with its unique charm.

答案:In accordance with the requirement for establishing a socialist market economy, we will continue to open to the outside world in all directions. //We should correctly handle the relations between and among reform, development and stability and cultivate a unified and open market system with orderly competition. We should formulate well-defined industrial policies to guide our orientation in foreign investment.

答案:We will increase our effort in introducing foreign investment and in particular, encourage foreign investment in China’s infrastructure, basic industries and industries of high and new technology. //As the environment for investment continues to improve, we should follow the principle of selecting only the best of the competing offers for foreign business investment. We should adopt a practice which is compatible with international convention and treat foreign-founded enterprise the same way as their Chinese counterparts.

答案:Meanwhile, we will protect according to the law the legitimate rights and interests of both Chinese and foreign investors and business employees. It must be pointed out that a Sino-foreign joint business is one of complementary and mutually beneficial partnership. //Business partners in a joint venture can maximize their strengths. This type of investment, so to speak, will certainly yield fat economic returns for both parties in the partnership.

答案:We warmly welcome the convening of Asia-Europe meeting in London. Leaders from the two great continents are expected to continue their pursuit of dialogue and cooperation, which was initiated in Bangkok. //Great changes have taken place in Asia, Europe and the rest of the world since the Bangkok meeting, and these will definitely exert a rather profound influence on the Asia-Europe relationship.

答案:The Bangkok conference, like most primary sessions of this type, seemed to be the more symbolic and ritualistic in its significance, demonstrating mainly that Asia is playing an increasing role in the world arena.// However, there are strong hopes that the current Asia-Europe summit will turn out to be more pragmatic and specific, with a constructive outcome.

第三十八題: 由于會議成員國有著不同的文化、歷史和政治制度,亞歐國家之間經(jīng)常性的高層交流對于彼此之間更好的了解是必不可缺的。//其次,應該建立一個機構(gòu)以研究與分析兩大洲經(jīng)濟、貿(mào)易和金融領(lǐng)域里的重大問題。
答案:Given the different cultures, histories and political systems of the members, frequent high-level exchanges between the Asian and European nations are indispensable to better mutual understanding. //Second, a standing consultative organ should be set up to study and analyze important issues in the fields of economy, trade and finance on the two continents.

答案:Equality is the foundation of Asia-Europe cooperation, and certainly it should serve as a principle for the Asia-Europe summit. If leaders from Asia and Europe want to be friends, they should be sitting at the same table on the basis of equality. //That equality should be all-weather and non-conditional. Whether its economies are on the rise or disturbed by troubles, Asia is equal to Europe.

答案:Some Asian countries are now vulnerable to criticism because of the crisis. These comments and criticism are inevitable and not at all surprising. //Prior to the crisis, Asia had been widely praised for its admirable economic achievements. Now it is harmless and helpful for this most populous and biggest continent to have some verbal attacks.

答案:A friend in need is a friend indeed. The London summit provides a very good opportunity for the European leaders to show their sincerity. They hope to help Asia tide over the trouble, and intend to take some concrete steps.// It is clear for those with strategic vision that Asia won’t decline after this crisis. Asia-Europe cooperation is by no means an expedient measure. To invest in that cooperation today suggests a bumper harvest tomorrow.

答案:We are glad to see that a worldwide interest in Chinese is increasing at an accelerating tempo. //Considering that Chinese has the largest number of speakers in the world and the greatest time depth in its literature, this interest is long overdue. In a sense, Chinese is a very old language, and its earliest characters date back nearly four thousand years.

答案:China’s low taxation, low wages, large consumer market and stable political and social environment have attracted a growing number of overseas investors to this country.// Your wish to establish a long-term cooperative relationship with our company coincides with ours. We hope to enter a partnership with your corporation and form a joint venture to manufacture what we call “China Concept Cars”.

答案:Music transmission began the moment mankind created music. For a very long period of historical development, humans could only transmit music by means of musical performance and oral instruction. //There was a severe limitation to the extent of music preservation, as well as to the distance and directions of music transmission.

答案:When mankind invented musical scores, music started to break away from the boundaries of being merely a performing art, and develop into a system of “written symbols” that can be recorded and spread. //Undoubtedly, however, it was the scientists who should be crowned as the founders of the real revolutionary milestone of human musical communication. Scientists invented marvelous means of music transmission.

答案:Among the numerous means of music transmission of the 20th century, the creation and development of radio broadcasting played an extremely important role in the industry of music transmission. //Nevertheless, the rapid development of high technology has brought serious challenges to China’s radio music workers in the new century.

答案:We began to attract greater world attention as a market when we opened our door to the outside world. //Twenty years ago there were no more than 100 countries and regions that had trade relations with China. Now the number has reached to 250, half of which have direct investment in Sino-foreign joint venture.

答案:On the occasion of this Chinese New Year’s Eve of national celebration, and on behalf of all my colleagues of the company, I wish to thank all the guests here for their gracious presence at this Spring Festival gathering. //You know, the Chinese Spring Festival is a very wonderful and joyous occasion in our tradition, and I wish all my Chinese and foreign colleagues a most relaxing and delightful evening.

答案:Our joint venture has experienced a decade of hard struggle. This is a brilliant decade, a fruitful decade, a decade which has seen our company advance to the world market and a decade of your dedication without any complaint. //We have prepared a humble dinner to celebrate our friendly cooperation. I would also like to take this opportunity to express my sincere thanks to all my colleagues at the venture.

答案:We should implement the strategy of developing the country by relying on science and education. Scientific and technological progress is a decisive factor in economic development, and educational development is the foundation of scientific and technological progress. //The increasingly acute worldwide economic competition and overall competition between nations are, in the final analysis, competition in science and technology and for competent people.



第一題:To better assess the impact of human activity and to propose alternatives, UNESCO works to nurture the power of education, culture, sciences, and communication as development multipliers,// to share knowledge with all societies on sustainable development and climate change.

第二題:Through our Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission, we are leading ocean observation systems of unique value for climate research – //mobilizing experts to discuss new findings and trends on ocean warming and exploring the role of the ocean in mitigating climate change.

第三題:Climate change is intrinsically linked to ocean change and no single country, however powerful, can tackle its challenges. //On this World Oceans Day, I call on Members States, civil society and the private sector to join forces to raise awareness and to promote global action on the importance of the ocean in the global climate system.

第四題:The rise of the Internet and the prevalence of smartphones and tablets has become a burden on the print media. Why would travelers bring a heavy guidebook when they can download its digital content to their smartphone in an instant? Furthermore, alternative and free travel content is readily available on the Internet, written by amateur travel writers.
答案:互聯(lián)網(wǎng)的崛起,以及智能手機與平板電腦的普及使得紙質(zhì)媒體壓力重重。有了可以即時下載到智能手機中的電子版,旅行者又何須背著厚重的旅行指南呢?// 此外,驢友作家寫成的現(xiàn)成免費旅行信息在網(wǎng)上隨處可見,為旅行者們提供了另一種選擇。

第五題:We, the Leaders of APEC, met in Manila, and determined to take action to fully realize the vision laid down by our predecessors of a stable, integrated, and prosperous community in the Asia-Pacific, // in which all our people can enjoy the benefits of economic growth and technological progress.
答案:我們,亞太經(jīng)合組織領(lǐng)導人,相聚馬尼拉,決心采取行動,全面實現(xiàn)我們的前任所確立的愿景,建設(shè)亞太地區(qū)穩(wěn)定、融合和繁榮的大家庭,// 使我們的人民享有經(jīng)濟增長和技術(shù)進步帶來的福祉。

第六題:We met at a time when global growth is uneven. Risks and uncertainties remain in the global economy, including inadequate demand growth, financial volatility, and structural problems. //While APEC economies have remained resilient, they face challenges in boosting growth prospects.

第七題:We recognize the significance of enabling the full participation of all sectors in our society, especially women, youth, people with disabilities, and low-income groups to achieving inclusive growth. //We underscore the importance of empowering them with the ability to contribute to and benefit from future growth.

第八題: China is the most important market for the auto industry. Chinese vehicle sales are up 13 percent from a year ago -- with sales expected to 20 million this year. // By comparison, total sales in the United States this year are forecast at just a little more than 15 million vehicles.

第九題:Despite the high demand for larger automobiles, environmental issues and fuel consumption concerns are contributing to the heightened interest in green vehicles. Four years ago, when we introduced the concept of the electric car, most of our colleagues in the industry thought that we had lost our minds. Now it doesn't look so stupid.

第十題:The future of the world economy is of particular interest to my country. Britain lives by commerce. With 2% of the world’s population, we are the world’s fifth largest trading nation. //We rely more than any other major economy on the goods and services that we export, the investment that we attract and we make abroad.

第十一題:China’s vast size and resources, her extraordinary economic progress over recent years, have made her an increasing important player in the modern international economy.//  Because of this, and because of Britain’s own huge stake in the world economy, we need to take a real interest in China.

第十二題:China’s rapid emergence as a major world actor is due to the drive and entrepreneurial spirit of her people, and more particularly to the fundamental economic reforms she has pursued over the past two decades. //It is a clear testimony to the success of the open door policy led by Mr Deng Xiaoping.

第十三題:For seventy years, our message has been the same. Peace must be built in the minds of women and men, on the basis of human rights and dignity, through cooperation in education, the sciences, culture, communication and information. //Unity and dialogue are the strongest foundations for peace, guided by equality, respect and mutual understanding.

第十四題:In turbulent times, when all societies are transforming and culture is under attack, this message has never been so important. This is turning point year for the world, when States will define a new global sustainable development agenda. //This must be an agenda for peace, through partnership across the globe and at all levels of society.

第十五題:No State, no matter how powerful, can ensure peace alone. //Together, in partnership, we can build the defenses of peace in the minds of every woman and man – especially young minds – to foster new relations of harmony and compassion with others and the world.

第十六題:It is not a secret that spending time outdoors is good for our health. The more we learn about the benefits of being in nature, the more sense it makes to get outside. //New research suggests that kids may learn better when they are surrounded by greener spaces. Green spaces are spaces filled with vegetation – like trees, flowers and other plants.

第十七題:But these days, outdoor time is competing for a child's attention with indoor activities. Children may find it difficult to resist computers, television and electronic games.// So, in many parts of the world children are spending less and less time outdoors. All this indoor activity can hurt a child's physical and mental health.

第十八題:Dr. Dadvand and his team studied more than 2,600 children from 36 schools in the city. The kids were seven to 10 years old. //The researchers used information from satellites to learn how much green space surrounded each school. Over one year, the children took computerized tests four times. The tests measured memory and attention span.

第十九題:Many areas around the world suffer from frequent loss of electrical power. People often must use other sources of power, such as gasoline or diesel fuel.// But these other power sources can be deadly if people do not ventilate the area in which they are used.

第二十題:The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says that about 430 people die every year in the U.S. from accidental carbon monoxide poisoning. //Carbon monoxide is a colorless and odorless gas. All fuel-powered engines produce carbon monoxide. Recently, carbon monoxide killed eight family members as they slept in their home in the U.S. state of Maryland.

第二十一題:Signs of carbon monoxide poisoning can be difficult to notice. 'If you happen to be sleeping at the time, all this could happen to you without your knowledge. //'Moveable gas generators are the most dangerous because people can operate them in their homes, or in a boat or even a tent.

第二十二題:The best way to prevent is to learn how to use these gas generators safely. The number one step is to avoid using them in any enclosed environment like indoor space. //The second this is we can encourage people to put small carbon monoxide detectors in their home environments. They are available in many parts of the world, and they are battery-operated.

第二十三題:The spread of Western eating habits around the world is bad for human health and for the environment. Those findings come from a new report. //There are ways to solve this diet-health-environment problem. But they will require a change in eating habits. And what we eat can be a product of culture, personal taste, price and ease.

第二十四題:A professor of ecology examined information from 100 countries to identify what people ate and how diet affected health. He noted a movement beginning in the 1960s. //He found that as nations industrialized, population increased and earnings rose. More people began to adopt what has been called the Western diet.

第二十五題:Diabetes is shooting to very high rates in the United States and across Europe. Heart disease is a major cause of mortality in the Western countries. Unfortunately when people become industrialized, if they adopt this Western diet, and in some cases if you are Asian, you have them more severely than even happens in the West.

第二十六題:It seems a diet bad for human beings, is also bad for the environment. As the world's population grows, experts say more forests and tropical areas will become farmland for crops or grasslands for grazing cattle. //These areas will be needed to meet the increasing demand for food.

第二十七題:We are likely to have more greenhouse gas released in the future from agriculture than the greenhouse gas that comes out of all the cars, and all of the airplanes, boats and ships, all forms of transportation. //So our change in diet is likely to be worse for the world for climate warming than all the transportation sources we use right now.
答案:未來農(nóng)業(yè)釋放的溫室氣體會更多,比目前汽車、飛機、船舶等各種形式的交通工具所排放的所有溫室氣體都要多,// 所以我們的飲食變化對世界氣候變暖的影響比我們目前使用的所有交通資源要更惡劣。

第二十八題:Many college students have given up taking class notes by hand. Instead, they type on laptop or tablet computers.// But scientists say that that method is less effective. If you need to remember something, write it. Writing notes by hand is much better for long-term memory of ideas, or conceptual information.

第二十九題:So, turn off your computer if you want to remember something. Computers can take your attention away from your work. They can be distracting. //Computers provide the chance to send a quick message to a friend, check a sports' score, shop or watch a funny cat video. Scientists say computers may hurt academic performance.

第三十題:Students who type notes on a keyboard often transcribe, or write down what the professor says word-for-word. They may write without really thinking about what they are writing. //These electronic notes contained more words. But scientists say it leads to 'mindless transcription.' Transcription means to record something exactly as you hear it.

第三十一題:However, students taking notes long-hand, or by writing them, need to first process the information they hear. Then they record just the main points, or summarize. //They use fewer words. This is because people usually write slower than they type. This process of summarizing information leads to a deeper understanding.

第三十二題:Have you heard of 'mindfulness meditation”? Meditation, or deep breathing and quiet thinking, used to be found only at spiritual places and yoga centers. //But these days mindfulness meditation can be found almost everywhere in the United States – from offices to schools, from prisons to the military.

第三十三題:People who meditate, practice yoga and similar exercises are sometimes called 'New Age.' They are usually healthy eaters.// Many New Age people do not eat meat. They may follow Eastern religions such as Taoism or Buddhism.

第三十四題:A New Age person may talk about being 'in the moment.' And that is at the heart of the Mindfulness Meditation Movement – thinking about the present, not the past and not the future. //The mindfulness movement has been around for many years. But now it is being called a revolution.

第三十五題:Supporters say this revolution may reduce tensions, stress and improve the body, mind and spirit. For example, think about what can be a sometimes stressful situation – a visit to the doctor, especially the dentist. //Sitting in a dentist's chair can make a person feel worried and tense. You might be surprised to hear that the dentist can feel this way too.

第三十六題:Many people all over the world enjoy an alcoholic drink during dinner. Many people raise a glass of alcohol to celebrate a wedding or a birthday. //And having drinks after work with friends and co-workers is called 'happy hour.' All these situations are considered 'social drinking' because they happen at social events.

第三十七題:According to the World Health Organization alcohol abuse kills 3.3 million people each year. //That is six percent of all deaths around the world. And in a new report on alcohol use around the world, the WHO says alcohol can create dependency, or addiction, in some people.

第三十八題:The report also warns that alcohol use can increase the risk of developing more than 200 diseases, including some kinds of cancers. //The report warns that more women are drinking alcohol. And, the report says women are at greater risk than men for some alcohol-related health conditions.

第三十九題:The report also finds Europe is the area with the highest alcohol use. Central and Eastern Europe are especially high. The World Health Organization suggests ways countries can protect people f, rom alcohol abuse.// These include increasing taxes on alcohol sales, raising the drinking age limit, and controlling the marketing of alcoholic beverages.

第四十題:Cigarette smoking kills. That we know. So, manufacturers made electronic cigarettes as a safer smoking choice - safer than tobacco. //E-cigarettes contain the drug nicotine like cigarettes. But they do not use tobacco. And you do not light them. They are powered by battery.

第四十一題:But a scientist worries that teenagers may think electronic cigarettes are harmless. They could become addicted, or hooked, on the nicotine and then start smoking real cigarettes. //In other words, he fears that for young people fake e-cigarettes could be a 'gateway' to the real thing.

第四十二題:Scientists at the University of Pennsylvania studied brain images of 949 people aged from eight to 22 years old. They found that male brains have more connections on one side of the brain, or hemisphere. //In the female brain, they found more activity and connections between the right and left sides of the brain.

第四十三題:Men generally deal directly with a problem. There is a strong connection between the 'understanding' and the 'action' parts of their brains. //Women, however, might include other parts of the brain, like the part connected with reason and the part connected with sensitivity when solving a problem. Women take a less direct path to find a solution.

第四十四題:Many people say they cannot start their day without first having a cup of coffee or tea. People say these drinks help them think clearly and feel more awake. //This is because of caffeine, a substance found in some plants. Now a new report says it may also improve long-term memory.

第四十五題:The World Health Organization (WHO) says there has been a sharp increase in the number of children in developing countries who weight too much.// In Africa countries, the WHO says the number of overweight or obese children is two times as high as it was 20 years ago.

第四十六題:Around the world, about 43 million children under the age of five were overweight in 2011. Doctors use height, weight and age to measure whether a person is underweight, normal, overweight or obese. //Overweight children are more likely to become overweight adults. The condition can lead to serious health problems like diabetes, heart disease and stroke.

第四十七題:The WHO also says people are gaining weight because of city lifestyles. They travel in cars or other vehicles more than on foot, and they are less physical activity in general. //The WHO says it is common to find poor nutrition and obesity in the same country, the same community and even in the same family.

第四十八題:The WHO has some basic solutions for individuals and countries, Such as lower your in-take of fat, sugar, salt and processed food. It says eat more fruit and vegetables, and increase physical activity.// And WHO experts say mothers should breastfeed their babies for at least the first six months of life if possible.

第四十九題:Are people less happy or more happy the older they get? If you answered more happy, then you were right, based on a study in 2008.// It found that people generally become happier and experience less worry after age fifty. In fact, it found that by the age of eighty-five, people are happier with their life than they were at eighteen.

第五十題:So why would happiness increase with age? One theory is that, as people get older, they become more thankful for what they have and have better control of their emotions. //They also spend less time thinking about bad experiences. In a study, people in their eighties reported the fewest problems with the quality of their sleep.




第一題:奧林匹克運動會有助于實現(xiàn)一個更美好、更安寧的世界。 奧運會展示了多個世紀之前的古希臘人試圖提倡的許多品質(zhì)。//奧林匹克的格言是“更高,更快,更強”。 比賽中最重要的不是勝利,而是奮斗;不是征服,而是奮力拼搏。
答案:The Olympic Games help promote a better and more peaceful world. The Games have many of the qualities that the ancient Greeks were trying to encourage; all those centuries ago.//The Olympic motto is 'Higher, Faster, and Stronger.' The most important thing in the Games is not the triumph but the struggle; not to have conquered but to have fought well.

答案:The five rings represent the close unity and friendly meeting at the Olympics between athletes from five continents. //The purpose of passing the Olympic torch by way of relay was to spread the Olympic spirit and make the seeds of peace and friendship root, grow, bloom and bear fruits in more countries. The athletes must learn to respect and to cooperate with people from many nations during the Games.

答案:By undergoing the stress and strain of tough competition, the athletes grow in strength, endurance and discipline. After the hard training of a life time, every athlete deserves a medal in the Games, no matter whether he won or not. //The Olympic oath encourages athletes, coaches, and officials to observe the rules and to follow the spirit of sportsmanship. Taking drugs before the Games is considered cheating and against sportsmanship.

答案:The Flame is ignited a few months before the Games begin. It is then relayed around the world by athletes and celebrities all the way to the Olympic venue where it ignites a cauldron that burns for the duration of the Games. //Technology and imagination have combined to provide some ingenious and exciting ways to both carry the Flame and ignite the cauldron at the Opening Ceremony.

答案:The modern Games don’t just provide an area for competition among athletes for gold; they now promote competition among host countries to show off their imagination and ingenuity. //The end result is a magnificent display of human ability and technological advancements – and the whole world can applaud the performance!

答案:With the advent of 2010, the new millennium is announcing the end of first decade as well as the beginning of a new one. In the opening 10 years for the 21st century, China has maintained a growth of more than 9 percent for the nine straight years and,// despite a grave impact of the world financial crisis, the nation was still able to retain an 8-percent annual growth in 2009 during the last year of the past decade.

答案:Smoking does great harm to human and its gravity should not be underestimated. Smoking pollutes air, damages health, and increases the incidence of lung cancer.// To arouse the awareness about the prevalence of tobacco in all the countries and to prevent smoking-induced diseases and deaths, the WHO (World Health Organization) has defined May 31st in every year as World No-Tobacco Day.

答案:The tobacco addicts say that smoking is impossible to quit because they could do without meals in a day but would feel tortured without tobacco in two hours. //However, when one realizes that smoking is harmful in many ways but beneficial in no way and that it is a curse to others as well as to he himself, he will be determined to resist the temptation of tobacco. To quit smoking requires persistence and so long as one persists, he'll be rewarded.

答案:In modern times, Asia experienced twists and turns in its development. To change their destiny, the people of Asia have been forging ahead in an indomitable spirit and with hard struggle. //Asia's development achievements today are the result of the persistent efforts of the industrious and talented Asian people.

答案:The people of Asia are fully aware that there is no ready model or unchanging path of development that is universally applicable. //They never shy away from reform and innovation. Instead, they are committed to exploring and finding development paths that are in line with the trend of the times and their own situations, and have opened up bright prospects for economic and social development.

答案:In retrospect, profound changes and tremendous progress have taken place in East Asia. Looking ahead, we can say with full confidence that relatively sound conditions exist for East Asia to raise its economic and social development to a new level.//It has become the shared understanding of East Asian countries to maintain regional peace and stability, develop the economy, science and technology and expand mutually beneficial cooperation.

答案:East Asian countries are committed to the development of their relations on the basis of mutual respect, treating one another as equals and properly addressing some existing differences through friendly consultations. //With political stability, East Asian countries enjoy good relations among themselves. This has provided an important prerequisite for the sustained economic growth of East Asian countries and the development of their economic cooperation.

答案:Endowed with rich human and natural resources, countries in this region have formulated their development strategies in light of their actual conditions, constantly readjusted their industrial structure, effected shifts in modes of growth, promoted scientific and technological progress, and strengthened external economic exchanges.// All this has provided a broad scope for East Asian countries to engage in economic cooperation.

答案: As long as East Asian countries keep up with the trend of the times and carry forward and apply those cultural traditions and wisdom with oriental features in light of their actual national conditions //while vigorously absorbing all fruits of human progress and civilization, the development of economic cooperation in East Asia will be further boosted by these spiritual motivations.

答案:With an area of 16,800 sq. Km, It has a population of over ten million . Beijing is a city both old and young, with many places of historic interest and scenic beauty. But there are also a great number of new constructions in Beijing , including many skyscrapers, cloverleaf intersections and flyovers. These have given beijing the look of a modern metropolis.

答案:I hope that foreign experts, overseas Chinese experts and foreign friends will support and help with China’s construction as always. // At the same time ,we would like to welcome more foreign experts , overseas Chinese experts and foreign friends to join us in our economic and social development .

答案:In the last 50 years, especially since the implementation of the policy of reform and opening up, the life expectancy of the Chinese has increased while the death rate has decreased, as a result of the development of national economy and the improvement of living standards and medical care. //While we are happy about the increase in our life expectancy, it has also resulted in a rapid increase of the elderly population.

第十八題:上海菜系是中國最年輕的地方菜系,通常被成為“本幫菜”,有著400 多年的歷史。//同中國其他菜系一樣,“本幫菜”具有“色,香,味”三大要素。上海菜的特點是注重調(diào)料的使用,食物的質(zhì)地和菜的原汁原味。
答案:Shanghai cuisine, usually called Benbang cuisine, is the youngest among the major regional cuisines in China, with a history of more than 400 years. //Like all other Chinese regional cuisines, Benbang cuisines takes “color, aroma and taste” as its essential quality elements.|  Shanghai cuisine emphasizes in particular the expert use of  seasonings, the selection of raw materials with quality texture, and original flavors.

第十九題:改革開放30 年來,隨著中國逐漸崛起成為政治經(jīng)濟強國,海外人士學習漢語的現(xiàn)象與日俱增,海外孔子學院也成了人們學習中國語言和中國文化的首選之地。//通過學習漢語,他們對這個和自己文化大相徑庭的古老文明產(chǎn)生了濃厚的興趣。
答案:As china is rising as a political and economic world power, thanks to its three-decade reform and opening up, more and more people in overseas countries start to learn Chinese and turn to a Confucius Institute in their own countries as their first choice learning Chinese language and Chinese culture. During the learning process, the learners concurrently develop their interest in this ancient land, whose civilization is so vastly different from theirs.

答案: As the second culture, Chinese culture has enriched the life and world outlook of the learners. This trend, so to speak, is gathering momentum and is there to stay. Apart from their love for Chinese cuisine, more and more American learners of Chinese language are turning to Chinese acupuncture, herbal medicines, martial arts. //They are also interested in kongfu films, fashions and crafts.

第二十一題:一系列環(huán)境問題已經(jīng)嚴重影響到人類的生存環(huán)境。環(huán)境惡化造成的問題之一就是缺水。//目前全世界40%以上的人口,即20 多億人,面臨缺水問題。據(jù)預測,未來25 年全球人口將有60億增長到80億,環(huán)境保護面臨更大的壓力。
答案:A series of environmental problems have posed a serious threat to human living conditions. Environmental crisis leads to one of the serious problems, namely, water shortage. //Presently, more than 40% of the world’s population, more than 2 billion people, now face water shortage. It is predicted that with the global population expected to increase from six billion to eight billion over the next 25 years, more pressure on environmental protection stress is expected.

答案:As a developing country, china is confronted with the dual task of developing the economy and protecting the environment. Proceeding from its national conditions, china has, in the process of promoting its overall modernization program, made environmental protection one of its basic state policies. //It is known to all that protection of the ecological environment and biodiversity is the focal point of environmental protection work.

答案:At this age of information, the world has shrunk as a global village in which there will be no clearcut worlds of the East and the West any more, but a world of one community with neighboring families. //Therefore, we do not necessarily have to come into clash with each other. Our relationship is one of friendly cooperation, equality and mutual complementarity and therefore, we should understand and learn from each other, and live in harmony.

答案:Equality and mutual benefit is the fundamental principle of international trade. Therefore, it is normal that countries will seek to protect their own interests, which may lead to trade frictions and disputes. //The key lies in how to cope with these issues correctly in a cool and wise manner. As for China-US trade, mutually beneficial and win-win trade and economic ties have delivered economic benefits to the two peoples.

第二十五題:今天,美國在華投資設(shè)立的企業(yè)已超過4 萬家,投資額達450 億美元。美國500 強企業(yè)有400 多家進入中國,大多數(shù)企業(yè)獲利豐厚。//與此同時,在美國市場上,許多中國商品受到美國消費者的青睞。中國在美國投資設(shè)立的企業(yè)已超過1000 家。
答案:Now, with over 40,000 U.S. invested enterprises, the total investment in china stands at $45 billion. Of the top 500 U.S companies, more than 400 have their business in china, and most of them are making handsome profit. //At the same time, many Chinese commodities have become favored choices of American consumers. Meanwhile, the number of Chinese-invested enterprises in the United Sates has surpassed 1,000.

答案:We predict that trade disputes between china and the United States will become more acute along with the further development in bilateral trade and economic cooperation. The overall development in bilateral trade and economic cooperation is, however, irreversible. //There are two factors contribute to this trend. Firstly, the Sino-U.S. economic and trade relations enjoy complementarities in vast fields. Secondly, china has an outstanding labor cost advantage.

答案:Chinese is often termed a very old language. In a sense such a statement is misleading. All human languages go back to the dim uncertainty of prehistory, and at present we have no way of knowing for sure whether or not they can all be traced back to the same root.

答案:Five thousand years ago the ancestors of Chinese people spoke an early form of Chinese language in much the same way that the ancestors of English-speaking people were using an early form of the English language. //In a sense, however, Chinese is indeed a very old language. The earliest written forms of Chinese in existence today date back nearly 4,000 years.

答案:These writings are dealing mostly with political and religious events, or with weather or warfare. //Chinese has an abundance of ancient writings that reach back continuously in time further than the writings of any other language in the world. Some of the earliest written Chinese characters were quite pictographic.

答案:We all know that information storage, transmission and processing constitute some of the most important guarantee conditions for enhancing the level of overall social development, as well as a focal point in the competition of high technologies between various countries. //But not everyone realizes that the most significant information reservoir is no other than the human genome.

答案:The human genome contains most of the hereditary information related to the birth, aging, diseases and death of humankind. Its decoding will bring about a revolution to the diagnosis of diseases, to the development of new medicines and to the exploration of new therapies.|  Some scientists believe the work to decipher the human genetic code is no less important than the moon landing program.

答案:For thousands of years we Chinese have always regarded chopsticks the simplest possible and the most efficient tool for transporting bite-sized morsels of food form a bowl to the mouth. //As early as in the Zhou Dynasty, chopsticks were used for picking up meat and vegetables, while hands were used for rice.

答案:The way we Chinese handle our chopsticks is quite artistic and varied from person to person like one’s signature.// An average Chinese can very easily pick up a single tiny grain of rice, or a tiny piece of peas, or a slippery button mushroom or sea cucumber.

第三十四題:中國已經(jīng)是世界第三大電器生產(chǎn)國,并且正在成為全球電器市場上的主角。//中國具有巨大的生產(chǎn)能力,而且每年以20%的速度增長,因此促使全球電器產(chǎn)品的價格不斷下降。20年前,美國、歐洲和日本公司開始進入中國,向當?shù)厥袌鎏峁┝思矣秒娖鳌?BR>答案:China is already the world’s third largest producer of electronics, and becoming a player in the global appliance market. //With its huge production capacity--growing by about 20 percent a year--the Chinese are relentlessly driving down global prices. Twenty years age, U.S., European and Japanese companies started moving into China to supply the local market with household goods.

答案:Green, human, and technological are the three main themes of Beijing Olympic Games. //Along with all of its citizens, through the bidding stage and hosting of the Olympic Games, Beijing’s aim is to further speed up its environmental protection plans to enhance the environmental quality, perfect construction of urban infrastructure, improve residents’ standard of living and promote the sustainable development of the city.

第三十六題:別人吸煙,你吸入,確實會對你的肺有危害。據(jù)美國“肺協(xié)”估計,每年約有3 000名死于肺癌的人是被動吸煙者。//有一項調(diào)查發(fā)現(xiàn),不吸煙的婦女,如果在吸煙的家庭環(huán)境中生活40年或更長的時間,那么就有加倍患肺癌的危險。      
答案:It surely does harm to your lungs if other people smoke and you breathe it in. According to the anticipation of American Lung Association, each year about 3,000 people who die from lung cancer are passive smokers. //An investigation indicates that non-smoking women living in a smoking family environment for 40 years or still longer will have the double risk of developing lung cancer.

答案:With an improvement of living standards, the consumption structure has been diversified and the consumption concept greatly changed. Traditional consumer demand for basic necessities of life has given way to leisure, comfort and development. //Therefore, the structure of products should be adjusted accordingly to adapt to social development, and services should be refined to satisfy people’s demand for an improved quality of life.

第三十八題:開發(fā)風景區(qū)代表文化建設(shè)的方向,經(jīng)濟的繁榮不一定帶來文化的進步,//首先,當人們追求經(jīng)濟利益時,他們常常忽略或放棄文化建設(shè);第二,當舊的觀念被打破時, 一些人就會不知所措,或誤入歧途。  
答案:Developing a scenic spot represents the orientation of building culture. An economic flourish is not bound to bring about cultural progress. // First, when people seek economic benefits, they often neglect or give up fostering the building of culture. Second, when old concepts are broken up, some people will be at a loss or go astray .

答案:A national survey indicates that major tourist attractions and scenic spots nationwide received a total of 9 million visitors during October 1-7, and income from admission tickets hit 200 million yuan. //During the week, 1.2 million Beijingers traveled to other places, an increase of 37 percent compared to the same period last year. Therefore, the seven-day holiday has been called a “golden week”

答案:According to the 10th Five-Year Plan, the Central Government will increase transfer payments to the western region. //In the meantime, measures will be adopted to attract non-governmental and foreign capital for participation in western development and construction. Major engineering projects, such as the west-to-east power transmission, conservation and development of water resources, will provide great possibilities for rising investment demand in the coming years.

答案:A peaceful environment is indispensable for national, regional and even global development. Without peace or political stability, there would be no economic progress to speak of. //This has been fully proved by both the past and the present. Peace and development are the themes of the times.

答案:In the past few years, important advances in computer science, artificial intelligence and material science have once again raised hopes of making intelligent robots.// In fact, progress toward an intelligent robot has been so convincing that many scientists are worrying publicly about the perils of robots.

答案:According to incomplete statistics, there are more than 50 non-government environmental protection organizations in the city. //They exploit their advantages to the fullest with the public, guiding local people to protect the environment and build a green home and a green community, advocating garbage segregation, holding consultation meetings, calling upon people to protect wild animals and organizing environmental protection summer camp activities, etc.

答案:Long before the emergence of the written word, ballads, accompanied by music and dance, and myths, passed around by word of mouth, were widely popular. Chinese literature finds its origins in these traditions.// However, ballads were what people improvised out of daily life, and due to lack of means to record and preserve them in ancient times, they quickly disappeared without leaving much of a trace.

答案:In Paris, all the wine parties and buffet receptions held on various occasions provide optimum opportunities to make friends with all varieties of people. //When encountering a stranger on such an occasion, an Asian would invariably hand over his name card to the newly-met stranger with full reverence, with both of his hands, even before he starts to converse with the stranger. Such an act seems to have become an indispensable etiquette.

答案:By contrast, an average Frenchman seldom takes the initiative to present his name card. Instead, he would simply walk away after an exchange of routine greetings or even some aimless chat. //Only when both sides become deeply engrossed in their conversation and have the intention to make further acquaintance with each other would they offer to give their name cards. It would seem somehow bizarre if a French person offers his name card without saying anything to the stranger in the first place.

答案:In 1986, Vancouver, Canada, just marked its centennial anniversary, but the achievements made by the city in its urban development have already captured worldwide attention. To build up a city and model its economy on the basis of a harbor is the usual practice that port cities resort to for their existence and development. /After a century's construction and development, Vancouver has become an internationally celebrated port city, with one third of the city's employed population engaged in trade and transportation business.

答案:The glorious achievement of Vancouver is the crystallization of the wisdom and the industry of the Vancouver people as a whole, including the contributions made by a diversity of ethnic minorities. //Canada is a large country with a small population. Although its territory is bigger than that of China, it only has a population of less than 30 million people. Consequently, to attract and to accept foreign immigrants have become a national policy long observed by Canada.

答案:At present, among the 1.8 million Vancouver residents, half of them are not native-born and one out of every four residents is from Asia. //The 250,000 Chinese there have played a decisive role in facilitating Vancouver economy transformation. Half of them have come to settle in Vancouver only over the past five years, making Vancouver the largest area outside Asia where the Chinese concentrate.

答案:Science means the exploration of truth. In the process of exploring truth, people will have to experience tremendous hardships and difficulties before they can come to understand the objective laws.// It is often the case that the differences in the research perspectives, the materials mastered, and the ways of understanding would lead to academic disputes.




第一題:Earth Day was started in 1970. It was set to help raise the general public’s environmental awareness. // For one thing, it provides a special day to remind people to take care of the Earth. It also gives special interest and environmental groups an opportunity to motivate their members to take action in their communities.
答案:“地球日”是1970年開始的,它成立的目的是提高公眾的環(huán)保意識。// 一則是這一活動可以提醒人們耍細心照看好我們的地球,同時也使特別利益閉體和環(huán)保組織有機會動 員自己的成員在各自社區(qū)釆取行動。

第二題:That is certainly true. By the year 2005, there will be 7 billion people on the planet. I personally think that recycling is the answer. // Paper, metal, rubber, oil, and many other materials are going to have to be recycled on a much greater scale. Everyone will have to be involved. Perhaps even special legislation will be required.

第三題:It is true that we are losing millions of hectares every year to housing and roads. // But there is still a lot of undeveloped land that could be used for both farming and housing. And science and technology is helping us to get more out of the land that is used for farming.
答案:我們的確正在建房筑路,因此失去千百萬公頃的土地,// 但未開發(fā)的土地還不少,可以用來種植農(nóng)作物或建房??茖W技術(shù)能幫我們從農(nóng)田取得更大的收獲。

第四題:On August 31, 1997, Lady Diana Spencer, former wife of Charles, Prince of Wales, was killed in a car accident in Paris. // Tests conducted by French police indicated that the driver, who also died in the crash, was drunk and likely caused the accident while trying to escape the photographers who consistently followed Diana during any public outing.
答案:1997 年 8 月 31 日,威爾士親王查爾斯的前妻戴安娜•斯賓塞女士在巴黎遇車禍死亡。// 法國警察進行了化驗,化驗結(jié)果表明,在車禍中死亡的司機喝醉了酒,他在躲避每次戴安娜外出時緊隨不放的攝影記者時出了車禍。

第五題:Sixteen years earlier, nearly four billion people in 74 countries had tuned in to witness the marriage of Prince Charles, to Lady Diana, a young English school teacher. Married in a grand ceremony at St Paul's Cathedral in the presence of 2,650 guests, the couple’s romance was for the moment the envy of the world.
答案:16 年前,在 74 個國家有近 40 億人在電視上目睹英國王位的繼承人查爾斯親王與年輕的英國教師戴安娜的婚禮。他們倆在圣保羅教堂舉行了盛大的儀式,有 2,650 人出席,當時他們倆的浪漫故事使世人羨慕。

第六題:I am goodwill ambassador for the United Nations Environment Program. I deeply care about climate change. And I am keen to see leaders take immediate and ambitious action. Carbon emissions are at unprecedented levels. // Human activity and consumer demand are causing so much devastation, including the illegal trade in wild life, another serious concern of mine.
答案:我是聯(lián)合國環(huán)境規(guī)劃署親善大使。我深深地關(guān)心氣候變化議題,我亦希望看到各國領(lǐng)導人立刻采取雄心勃勃的行動。二氧化碳排放量在今時今日達到了史無前例的水平。// 人類活動和過度消費需求帶來了許多對環(huán)境的破壞,這還包括我關(guān)心的另一個議題,即非法野生動物貿(mào)易。

第七題:However, I remain optimistic that this climate summit will be about action and solutions as we pursue our common goals of low carbon economy. //We have an expression in Chinese, 'where there is a will, there is a way'. Young people around the world are so eager to see leaders take action on climate change and asking hard questions.

第八題:British Prime Minister David Cameron has called for women immigrants to Britain to learn English within 30 months or be deported. //The plan targets Muslim women joining their husbands already in Britain. Cameron said his plan would help Muslim women immigrants who spend most of their time at home.

第九題:Cameron wrote Monday that 190,000 Muslim women speak poor English and 38,000 Muslim women speak no English, although they have lived in Britain for years. // Their lack of English socially isolates them. Cameron said people who do not speak English often live apart from British society. He said he believes his plan will help keep the country safe.

第十題:Cameron said the government will spend more than $28 million for English classes for migrants. The classes would focus on immigrant woman living in isolated communities. //The government said classes would take place in homes, schools and community centers. Travel and childcare costs would be paid.

第十一題:Studies have shown that children from poor families have more difficulty in school than other boys and girls. Children with higher socioeconomic roots seem better prepared and perform better on school tests. //Now, American researchers may have found a biological reason for that difference.

第十二題:There are several reasons why poorer students often have lower scores. One reason could be poor children do not get the food they need for healthy development. //Poor parents are less likely to stimulate their children's brains through talk, play, and activities. Parents face the stress in trying to deal with poverty, putting food on the table.

第十三題:Chinese officials are taking high-tech action against high-tech cheaters on the national college entrance test. //In recent years, some students have used hidden electronic devices to communicate during the test. In an effort to stop them, administrators in one city took an unusual step.

第十四題:Nine million students will take the college entrance exam. The test is known in China as the gaokao. This important test can greatly affect a young person's future. //The test results are used to decide which kind of university a student can attend. Those with the highest scores have the best chance for getting into an elite university.

第十五題:Students spend months studying intensely, in order to get the highest possible score. Many parents travel to the cities where the tests are given. They stay with their children during the exam, which can last two or three days. //Students who do not pass the exam usually have two choices. They can repeat a year of school and retake the test, or try to find a factory job.

第十六題:Cheating is common because of the high risk and high pressure connected to the exam. //Talented students from poor families can earn large amounts of money taking the college entrance exam for students who can pay. More recently, students have been using wireless devices to get answers during the test.

第十七題:Korean language studies are quickly growing in popularity across the United States. // The Modern Language Association says the number of U.S. college students taking a Korean language class rose by almost 45% between 2009 and 2013. But the number of college students taking foreign language classes has declined.

第十八題:This is K-pop -- Korean popular music. Many people around the world like the sound of K-pop. 'They do a lot of dancing, yes. And it's more upbeat. //“I think it's fun. I'm a little surprised that it's caught on to the rest of the world.' People can listen to K-pop music, and watch K-pop videos and Korean drama programs on websites like YouTube.

第十九題:”As a dean of humanities, to look at a country that's creating its reputation globally through cultural production, that's very exciting. //Of course, it attracts students. Of course, it means more Americans who may have had nothing at all to do with Korea will now be attracted to the study of Korean language and culture.

第二十題:Language researchers say the growing number of U.S. students taking Korean language classes shows no sign of ending anytime soon. //Their reasons: the popularity of K-pop and the rising number of Korean-Americans seeking to re-connect with older family members.

第二十一題:A United Nations representative wants international support for programs aimed at helping 28 million boys and girls return to school. The children are unable to continue their education because of wars and crises around the world. //Now, schools are increasingly becoming instruments of war. In the past five years, there were more than 10,000 attacks on schools.

第二十二題:The international community should spend money to make schools safer. An international humanitarian fund for education in emergencies should be created. //'It is our moral duty to make sure that every single child in the world can enjoy the basic right to education - free of terror, free of fear, and with the support of the international community.'

第二十三題:New uses of technology can improve school safety. A pilot program has been launched in Pakistan. Three months ago, the Pakistani Taliban killed 140 children at a school in the city of Peshawar. //Under the 'Pakistan Safe Schools' program, schools will use new computer software to test their safety plans.

第二十四題:Under the plan, Lebanese children would attend public schools in the morning and Syrian children would attend the same schools in the afternoon. //It is time for the international community to wake up and deal with the problems facing children. The world should protect their rights and stop turning its back on these young victims of war.

第二十五題:Taiwan's annual university admissions tests are taking place this week. Tens of thousands of students are trying to give the right answers to math and language questions.// High scores permit students to enter the top schools. However, these tests will not be in place for much longer.

第二十六題:The current examinations require that students memorize facts in high school classes. They do not test critical thinking or creative problem solving abilities. Officials in Taiwan plan to change the admissions test to also measure imagination and the ability to innovate.

第二十七題:Taiwanese officials see the progress China and South Korea are making in the information technology field. By comparison, Taiwan is losing technology business. //There is concern that younger people are afraid of the risk of starting a company or inventing something.

第二十八題:The Ministry of Education wants to encourage young Taiwanese to innovate. So, it will begin a new selection process for university students. They hope the best schools will start to accept people with new business ideas.// The new admissions policy will take effect in 2018. It will include personal interviews with interested students.

第二十九題:Taiwan is dependent largely on high-tech exports. The Swiss business school, International Institute for Management Development (IMD) made a list of the most competitive countries in 2014. //Taiwan was at number 13, but Singapore was number 3 and Hong Kong was number 4. These numbers worry Taiwanese officials.

第三十題:Not enough American students want to be engineers, mathematicians, or scientists. The Obama administration wants to change that. They are spending money to do it. //The government will invest three billion dollars in the education of young Americans in science, technology, engineering, and math. The four areas together are known as STEM.

第三十一題:Experts say parents should do more than just buy toys to interest their girls in STEM subjects. They should also provide a good education. //At school, girls should participate in projects that require teamwork and creative thinking. Women in scientific and technical jobs are also working to encourage young women to explore STEM.

第三十二題:Every year, South African 12th grade students take a test to decide their next steps following the completion of high school.// Many students were unhappy with the results of their 2014 exam. The scores were released January 5. Universities use the scores to make admissions decisions.

第三十三題:Students who took the 2014 test were the first to study under the program. The program is designed to guide teachers on better teaching. //For example, the teachers now ask more ‘high-order' questions. These are questions that make the students think carefully about what they are learning. The new exams are based on this higher quality of teaching.

第三十四題:A lack of resources is the root of the systemic problems in basic education. So we definitely need schools with laboratories, schools with libraries, schools with adequate-sized classrooms, //schools with fences where learners feel secure, schools with adequate teachers, so that, you know, teachers are not teaching classes of over 100 learners.

第三十五題:Many students say there is no easy way to write college papers. This may be especially true if English is not your first language.// Most teachers agree that there is no single correct way to create a personal essay or research paper. But there are methods to help you structure your papers.

第三十六題:One way often used to structure writing is the traditional five-paragraph essay. The first paragraph is introductory. It tells the reader what the paper is about. //It is followed by three paragraphs containing evidence that support the writer's argument. The final paragraph is the conclusion. It provides a reasoned opinion based on the evidence.

第三十七題:Students from China have a long history of coming to the United States for education. //And this month, American educators expect high schools across the U.S. to enroll more Chinese students than ever. 17-year-old, Grace Liu is one of about 30,000 Chinese citizens at American high schools.

第三十八題:Attending schools outside China also means an escape from the intense competition at schools inside China. Memorization by rote is common there. // This method of learning through memory exercises uses up a lot of time. It can keep students from taking part in sports or interest groups.

第三十九題:That was the argument when the Chinese started coming in large numbers. ‘Why are we educating our enemies?' //And my response to people around this is the world in which we grew up in is very different from the world these students are growing up in today. Chinese classmates are part of a new future.

第四十題:Tens of thousands of Africans are studying in China. The country provides students with financial assistance for education to develop skills that Africa needs most. //And the system makes friends in Africa for the Chinese. Violet of Zambia is among the increasing number of Africans who are receiving financial help to study in China.

第四十一題:Some Africans say language barriers affect the quality of Chinese education. One man from Uganda criticized his studies in Wuhan, central China. He said his classes are in Engli, sh. But he said his professors cannot answer his questions because they do not speak English. The student said he himself does not know much Chinese.
答案: 有的非洲人說語言障礙影響了中國教育的質(zhì)量。來自烏干達的一名男學生批評自己在武漢的學習生活,武漢位于中國中部。他說自己的課程是用英文講的,但他說教授不講英語,所以他們不能回答他的問題,他說他本人也不懂漢語。

第四十二題:Juma Salum is from Zanzibar. He studies political science at Shanghai's International Studies University. Mr. Salum wants to return to help his country after graduation. He said he believes it is his duty to do so. And he said he wants to be a link between the Chinese and the people of Tanzania and all Africa.

第四十三題:Imagine forgetting everything you have ever done in life –jobs you held, a marriage you built, the children you raised, your friends, your travels, everything. // many older people such severe memory loss is a reality. But in Tennessee, one man works to connect senior citizens with their past to regain their sense of self.

第四十四題:Many schools across the U.S. hold graduation ceremonies this time of year. In some schools, even 5 and 6-year-olds observe their graduation from kindergarten. And so can older people, much older. //Meet 70-year-old Jerry Reid, he just graduated from the University of Virginia. He earned a bachelor's degree.

第四十五題:Last week, we reported about community colleges in the United States. Some educators say these two-year colleges may be a good choice for international students who have finished secondary school and want to study in America. //Today, we tell about program at some American community colleges for students from several nations.

第四十六題:At the start of their stay in America, students deepen their knowledge of English, and learn about their school's surroundings. //They have several fields of study to choose from, including Information Technology, Business Administration and Agriculture. Other areas open to them include the Hotel and Visitors Industries, and Media and Journalism.

第四十七題:Students attend classes and study at school. But they also are active in other school activities. They hold internships at businesses and nonprofit organizations. //Program members at Muscatine Community College in Iowa are a good example. They can complete internships at businesses from local farms to large companies.

第四十七題:Recently, there have been efforts to make sure children in Africa get a good strong education. But a new report says governments are losing about $129 billion every year on poor quality education. //As a result, about one in four students in poor countries cannot read a complete sentence, that represents about 175 million young people.
答案:最近全球一直努力確保非洲兒童能獲得良好的教育,但一份新報告稱政府每年都因糟糕的教育質(zhì)量損失約1290億美元,// 結(jié)果,貧困國家每四個學生就有一個不能完整地閱讀句子,有約1.75億這樣的學生。

第四十八題:Governments like to save money by using contract teachers. These educators are not government employees but work under a special agreement. Contract teachers can be easily dismissed if found to be underperforming. // They also earn far less money than teachers working for the government.

第四十九題:The UNESCO report says governments will need to increase spending on education. Governments can do better on collecting taxes and making sure everyone pays their fair share of taxes. //Governments could also offer good housing to make sure impoverished areas have enough teachers.

第五十題:The report says South Africa gives six times more money to students in areas with low education levels and high unemployment. // Malawi is creating teacher colleges to train new candidates for teaching positions in skills for rural areas. And Ethiopia is urging mentors and supervisors to help support teaching candidates.